Page 708 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 708

2                                                 Transport aspects

            (while it remains below the UPBOMASK) during the showtime by request from the FTU-O (under control of the VCE),
            via OLR procedure Type 1, to improve upstream performance. The operator may also adjust the values of a and b in
            the DPU-MIB and apply them via a new initialization.

            7.3.2   PSD and PSD mask summary
            A summary of the various PSDs and PSD masks used during the initialization and the showtime is presented
            in Table 7-1.

                            Table 7-1 – Transmit PSD masks and PSDs used in this Recommendation
                  Parameter                          Description                             Notation

             Limit PSD mask      A PSD mask specified in [ITU-T G.9700]              LIMITMASKds,
             DPU-MIB PSD mask    A PSD mask specified by the operator intended to restrict the   MIBPSDMASKds,
                                 transmit PSD to levels below those allowed by the applicable   MIBPSDMASKus
                                 limit PSD mask.
             Transmit PSD mask   A PSD mask that is the minimum of:                  PSDMASKds,
                                 1)  the applicable LIMITMASK,                       PSDMASKus
                                 2)  the MIBPSDMASK, and
                                 3)  vendor-discretionary mask restrictions imposed by the
                                   FTU-O and VCE.
             UPBO PSD mask       A PSD mask applicable for the upstream direction only that is   UPBOMASK
                                 calculated by the FTU-R as a function of the electrical length
                                 of the loop (see clause
             STARTPSD mask       A PSD mask limited to PSDMASK and further limited to   STARTPSDMASKds,
                                 TXPSDM_N inside the notched frequency bands (RFI and IAR   STARTPSDMASKus
                                 bands). In the upstream direction, also limited in accordance
                                 with the UPBO requirements.
             STARTPSD            The PSD of the first signals transmitted by an FTU during the   STARTPSDds,
                                 first stage of the channel discovery phase of the initialization   STARTPSDus

             Channel discovery   A PSD mask limited to PSDMASK and further limited to   CDPSDMASKds,
             PSD mask            TXPSDM_N inside the notched frequency bands (RFI and IAR   CDPSDMASKus
                                 bands). In the upstream direction, also limited in accordance
                                 with the UPBO requirements and by the PSD ceiling
             Channel discovery   The PSD of signals transmitted by an FTU during the later   CDPSDds,
             PSD                 stages of the channel discovery phase of the initialization.    CDPSDus

             PSD ceiling         A PSD level, independent of frequency, used in determination  MAXMASKds,
                                 of CDPSDMASKus and V2PSDMASKds.                     MAXMASKus
             V2PSD mask          A PSD mask limited to PSDMASK and further limited to   V2PSDMASKds
                                 TXPSDM_N inside the notched frequency bands (RFI and IAR
                                 bands) and by the PSD ceiling (MAXMASKds).
             V2PSDds             The PSD of signals transmitted by an FTU-O during the   V2PSDds
                                 VECTOR 2 stage of the channel discovery phase of the
             PRMPSDds            The PSD of signals transmitted by an FTU-O during the   PRMPSDds
                                 PARAMETER UPDATE stage of the channel discovery phase of
                                 the initialization.
             MEDLEY reference    A PSD mask limited to PSDMASK and further limited to   MREFPSDMASKds,
             PSD mask            TXPSDM_N inside the notched frequency bands (RFI and IAR   MREFPSDMASKus
                                 bands) and by the PSD ceiling. In the upstream direction, also
                                 limited in accordance with the UPBO requirements.

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