Page 566 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 566

1                                                    Applications

            7       Reference model of Smart Farming based on networks

            7.1     Reference architecture

            To apply Smart Farming based on networks shown in Figure 1, a reference architecture showing the service
            roles, consumers, distributors, agricultural producers and service providers, is presented in Figure 2.
            Service  roles  shown  in  Figure  2  (consumers,  agricultural  producers,  distributors,  service  providers  and
            network providers) play major roles in Smart Farming based on networks as follows:
            –       Consumer: the service role that ultimately purchases the final agricultural product from distributors,
                    agricultural producers or direct sellers and also provides a farm product traceability service to the
                    service provider.
            –       Agricultural producer: the service role that actually produces agricultural products to be supplied to
                    distributors or consumers that is provided with Smart Farming services, such as a farm product
                    protection service or remote farm management service.
            –       Distributor:  the  service  role  that  distributes  agricultural  products  supplied  from  agricultural
                    producers through  the  distribution  network  and  provides  a  farm  production  regulation  service,
                    which is required to identify and maintain the break-even point.

            –       Service provider: the service role that provides the requested Smart Farming services to requesting
                    users such as consumers, agricultural producers and distributors.
            –       Network provider: the service role that provides the infrastructure that conveys information related
                    to Smart Farming based on networks and interconnects the other service roles.

            These service roles play their part according to the stage at which they are positioned, i.e., pre-production
            stage,  production  stage  or  post-production  stage.  In  the  pre-production  and  production  stages,  the
            agricultural producer can be advised on what to produce, when to produce, what to seed and other matters
            by the service provider via plan/production consulting. Distributors and consumers can also be advised by
            the service provider about market demands, food traceability and prices. The network provider can provide
            the telecommunication network to support information transfer between the various service roles.

                               Figure 2 – Reference model of Smart Farming based on networks

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