Page 1212 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 1212

2                                                 Transport aspects

                                      1 2 3  ...  ts                                                95  ts
                                    1,2                                                             1
                                    3,4                                                             2
                                    1,2                                                             3
                                    3,4                                                             4

                               JC4  JC1  JC5  JC2 1,2                                               157
                               JC6  JC3
                                    1,2                                                             159
                                    3,4                                                             160
                   2345678  TS #A           OPU4 TS #A             OPU4 TS #B            OPU4 TS #X
                         RES RES  RES RES  3   4           3          4           3         4
                    0000000  RES  RES  1       2           1          2           1         2
                     OPU4 tributary  slots  TS #B RES  RES

                    1001111  RES RES  RES RES  TS #X  1  2  1         2           1         2
                                     3         4           3          4           3         4
                        OPU4 TSOH  JC4  JC1  JC5  JC2
                       of TS #a, b, ..., x  1 2  47/ 48/  95  1  2  47/  48/  95   1  2   47/  48/   95
                               JC6  JC3      48  49                 48  49                48  49
                            Figure 19-13 – Mapping of ODTU4.ts into 'ts' OPU4 1.25G tributary slots

            19.4    OPUk multiplex overhead and ODTU justification overhead

            The OPUk (k=1,2,3,4) multiplex overhead consists of a multiplex structure identifier (MSI) and an ODTU
            overhead. The OPUk (k=4) multiplex overhead contains an OPU multiframe identifier (OMFI).

            The OPUk MSI overhead locations are shown in Figures 19-14A, 19-14B and 19-14C and the OMFI overhead
            location is shown in Figure 19-14C.

            ODTUjk overhead
            The  ODTUjk  overhead  carries  the  AMP  justification  overhead  consisting  of  justification  control  (JC)  and
            negative  justification  opportunity  (NJO)  signals  in  column 16  of  rows  1  to  4.  ODTUjk  overhead  bytes  in
            column 15 rows 1, 2 and 3 are reserved for future international standardization.
            The ODTUjk overhead consists of 3 bytes of justification control (JC) and 1 byte of negative justification
            opportunity (NJO) overhead. The JC and NJO overhead locations are shown in Figures 19-14A and 19-14B.
            In addition, two or n times two positive justification overhead bytes (PJO1, PJO2) are located in the ODTUjk
            payload  area.  Note  that  the  PJO1  and  PJO2  locations  are  multiframe,  ODUj  and  OPUk  tributary  slot
            The PJO1 for an ODU1 in OPU2 or OPU3 2.5G tributary slot #i (i: 1..4 or 1..16 respectively) is located in the
            first  column  of  OPUk  2.5G  tributary  slot  #i  (OPUk  column  16+i)  and  the  PJO2  is  located  in  the  second
            column of OPUk 2.5G tributary slot #i (OPU2 column 20+i, OPU3 column 32+i) in frame #i of the four or
            sixteen frame multiframe.

            EXAMPLE – ODU1 in OPU2 or OPU3 TS(1): PJO1 in column 16+1=17, PJO2 in column 20+1=21 (OPU2) and
            32+1=33 (OPU3). ODU1 in OPU2 TS(4): PJO1 in column 16+4=20, PJO2 in column 20+4=24. ODU1 in OPU3
            TS(16): PJO1 in column 16+16=32, PJO2 in column 32+16=48.
            The four PJO1s for an ODU2 in OPU3 2.5G tributary slots #a, #b, #c and #d are located in the first column of
            OPU3  2.5G  tributary  slot  #a  (OPU3  column  16+a)  in  frames  #a,  #b,  #c  and  #d  of  the  sixteen  frame
            multiframe. The four PJO2s for an ODU2 in OPU3 2.5G tributary slots #a, #b, #c and #d are located in the
            first column of OPU3 2.5G tributary slot #b (OPU3 column 16+b) in frames #a, #b, #c and #d of the sixteen
            frame multiframe. Figure 19-14A presents an example with four ODU2s in the OPU3 mapped into 2.5G
            tributary slots (1,5,9,10), (2,3,11,12), (4,14,15,16) and (6,7,8,13).

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