Page 1204 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 1204

2                                                 Transport aspects

            NOTE – The 1.25G and 2.5G tributary slot versions of an ODTU12 are identical when the two 1.25G tributary slots
            carrying the ODTU12 are TSa and TSa+4. The 1.25G and 2.5G tributary slot versions of an ODTU13 are identical when
            the two 1.25G tributary slots carrying the ODTU12 are TSa and TSa+16. The 1.25G and 2.5G tributary slot versions of
            an ODTU23 are identical when the eight 1.25G tributary slots carrying the ODTU23 are TSa, TSb, TSc, TSd, TSa+16,
            TSb+16, TSc+16 and TSd+16.

                         ODTUjk                        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                         overhead    1 2  3                                                c-1 c
                               1                                                                  1

                            .                                                                     .
                            .                                   ODTUjk payload                    .
                            .                                                                     .
                              ts                                                                  .

                      jk = 01, 12, 13, 23                                             G.709-Y.1331(12)_F19-5

                                            Figure 19-5 – ODTUjk frame formats

                             Table 19-5 – ODTUjk characteristics for 2.5G and 1.25G tributary slots

                                                                        ODTUjk payload     ODTUjk overhead
                2.5G TS         c           r              ts
                                                                             bytes               bytes
             ODTU12            952         16              1                 15232               1 x 4
             ODTU13            238         64              1                 15232               1 x 4
             ODTU23            952         64              4                 60928               4 x 4

                                                                        ODTUjk payload     ODTUjk overhead
                1.25G TS        c           r              ts
                                                                             bytes               bytes
             ODTU01            1904         8              1                 15232               1  4
             ODTU12            952         32              2                 30464               2  4
             ODTU13            238         128             2                 30464               2  4
             ODTU23            952         128             8                121856               8  4

            Optical data tributary unit k.ts
            The optical data tributary unit k.ts (ODTUk.ts) is a structure which consists of an ODTUk.ts payload area and
            an ODTUk.ts overhead area (Figure 19-6). The ODTUk.ts payload area has j x ts columns and r rows (see
            Table 19-6) and the ODTUk.ts overhead area has one times 6 bytes. The ODTUk.ts is carried in "ts" 1.25G
            tributary slots of an OPUk.

            The location of the ODTUk.ts overhead depends on the OPUk tributary slot used when multiplexing the
            ODTUk.ts in the OPUk (see clauses 19.1.1, 19.1.2, 19.1.4). The single instance of an ODTUk.ts overhead is
            located in the OPUk TSOH of the last OPUk tributary slot allocated to the ODTUk.ts.

            The ODTUk.ts overhead carries the GMP justification overhead as specified in clause 19.4.

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