Page 1118 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 1118

2                                                 Transport aspects

            Figures  7-5,  7-6  and  7-7  show  how  various  signals  are  multiplexed  using  the  ODTUG2/3/4  (PT=21)
            multiplexing elements.

            Figure 7-5 presents the multiplexing of up to eight ODU0 signals, and/or up to four ODU1 signals and/or up
            to eight ODUflex signals into the OPU2 signal via the ODTUG2 (PT=21). An ODU1 signal is extended with a
            frame  alignment  overhead  and  asynchronously  mapped  into  the  optical  data  tributary  unit  1  into  2
            (ODTU12) using the AMP justification overhead (JOH). An ODU0 signal is extended with a frame alignment
            overhead and asynchronously mapped into the optical data tributary unit 2.1 (ODTU2.1) using the GMP
            justification overhead. An ODUflex signal is extended with a frame alignment overhead and asynchronously
            mapped into the optical data tributary unit 2.ts (ODTU2.ts) using the GMP justification overhead. Up to
            eight  ODTU2.1  signals,  up  to  four  ODTU12  signals  and  up  to  eight  ODTU2.ts  signals  are  time-division
            multiplexed into the optical data tributary unit group 2 (ODTUG2) with payload type 21, after which this
            signal is mapped into the OPU2

                                       ODU  ODU payload  ODU  ODU0  ODU0 payload  ODU0  ODU1  ODU1 payload  ODU1
                                        OH                    OH                     OH
                                ODTU2.ts   ODU         ODTU2.1                ODTU12
                                  JOH     (ODUflex)  ODTU2.ts  JOH  ODU0  ODTU2.1  JOH  ODU1   ODTU12

                             ODTU2.ts  ODTU2.ts ODTU2.1  ... ODTU2.1 ODTU12  ... ODTU12  ODUflex  ... ODUflex  ODU0  ... ODU0  ODU1  ... ODU1  ODTUG2
                              JOH    JOH  JOH    JOH  JOH    JOH                                (PT = 21)
                                                          ODTUG2 (PT = 21)

                          OPU2                             OPU2 payload                        OPU2
                      ODU2                               ODU2 payload                          ODU2
                     .                                                                      G.709-Y.1331(12)_F7-5

                   Figure 7-5  ODU0, ODU1 and ODUflex into ODU2 multiplexing method via ODTUG2 (PT=21)
            Figure 7-6 presents the multiplexing of up to thirty-two ODU0 signals and/or up to sixteen ODU1 signals
            and/or up to four ODU2 signals and/or up to three ODU2e signals and/or up to thirty-two ODUflex signals
            into  the  OPU3  signal  via  the  ODTUG3  (PT=21).  An  ODU1  signal  is  extended  with  a  frame  alignment
            overhead and asynchronously mapped into the optical data tributary unit 1 into 3 (ODTU13) using the AMP
            justification  overhead  (JOH).  An  ODU2  signal  is  extended  with  a  frame  alignment  overhead  and
            asynchronously mapped into the optical data tributary unit 2 into 3 (ODTU23) using the AMP justification
            overhead. An ODU0 signal is extended with a frame alignment overhead and asynchronously mapped into
            the  optical  data  tributary  unit 3.1  (ODTU3.1)  using  the  GMP  justification  overhead.  An  ODU2e  signal  is
            extended with  a  frame  alignment  overhead  and  asynchronously  mapped  into  the  optical  data  tributary
            unit 3.9  (ODTU3.9)  using  the  GMP  justification  overhead.  An  ODUflex  signal  is  extended  with  a  frame
            alignment overhead and asynchronously mapped into the optical data tributary unit 3.ts (ODTU3.ts) using
            the GMP justification overhead. Up to thirty-two ODTU3.1 signals, up to sixteen ODTU13 signals, up to four
            ODTU23 signals, up to three ODTU3.9 and up to thirty-two ODTU3.ts signals are time-division multiplexed
            into  the  optical  data  tributary  unit  group 3  (ODTUG3)  with  payload  type  21,  after  which  this  signal  is
            mapped into the OPU3.

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