Page 898 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 898

Enhancement of SWB                            Subjective perception an evaluation of:
                                                           1. Leisure time

                                                           2. Possibilities for recreational and cultural activities
             Reduction of disparities/inequalities         Regional disparities in the availability of facilities and
                                                           goods in the area of leisure, media and culture
                                                           Equal opportunities/inequalities of
                                                           1. Women and men regarding leisure time

                                                           2. Disabled people regarding access to media
                                                           recreational and cultural facilities
             Strengthening social connections and ties –   European‐specific concerns: Exchange of cultural
             social capital                                products between European countries
             Preservation of human capital                 Leisure activities promoting health
                                                           Leisure activities promoting human knowledge

             Preservation of natural capital               Consumption of paper
             Social structure: values and attitudes        Subjective importance of leisure and culture

                                 Life domain: Social and political participation and integration

                           Goal dimensions                             Measurement dimensions
             Reduction of disparities/inequalities         Equal opportunities/inequalities regarding social and
                                                           political participation and integration of:
                                                           1. Women and men
                                                           2. Generations
                                                           3. Social strata
                                                           4. Disabled people

                                                           5. Citizenship groups
                                                           Social exclusion: social isolation
             Strengthening social connections and ties –   Availability of social relations (personal relations
             social capital                                outside family, informal networks, membership in
                                                           Social and political activities and engagement
                                                           (frequency of contacts, support in information
                                                           networks, volunteering, political engagement)
                                                           Quality of social relations (extent of trust, feelings of
                                                           belonging, shared values, solidarity, conflicts,

                                                           attitudes towards population groups, loneliness)

                                                           Trust in institutions: political institutions

                                                           European‐specific concerns:
                                                           1. European identity
                                                           2. Social relation and attitudes to national from
                                                           European countries
                                                           3. Commonalities between European countries in
                                                           basic values and attitudes
                                                           4. Social and political activities at the European level

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