Page 665 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 665

through event modeling. Additional capabilities, in terms of processing units, application units, as
            well as models, might be needed. Secondly, there is a need for fusion processing guidance, so that
            different sources of observations can be combined together to compensate their own deficiencies
            and attain the goal more efficiently. Finally, services for information resource publishing and sharing
            as well as result fusing are also necessary to disseminate information across the concerned agencies.
            By  adopting  the  integrated  management  system,  each  city  can  make  a  big  step  towards  the
            implementation of the smart sustainable cities vision.

            1.2  Service framework

            The users involved in IMSSC are not only municipal departments, but also enterprises and citizens.
            Municipalities  are  usually  in  charge  of  the  daily  operation  and  maintenance  of  IMSSC  which  is
            initiated by them. When emergency events occur, they need to synthesize all the information and
            make proper decisions to rescue lives and reduce economic losses. Citizens are the users and main
            beneficiaries of the integrated management for smart sustainable cities. They are able to report
            problems of daily management, emergencies, as well as receive notifications from the municipal
            authorities. Enterprises can be viewed from two perspectives: some enterprises can take part and
            assist the municipality to improve the capacities of the integrated management, others can just act
            as ordinary citizens to do the work of reporting or notice feedback. The service framework of IMSSC
            is represented in Figure 2.

                                         Figure 2 – Service framework of IMSSC

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