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P. 633

Table 3 – Guidance on use of RF warnings signs

                                      (Adapted from (C95.7‐2005) and (C95.2‐1999))

                  Sign           Guidance on use           Example ‐ Australia        Example ‐ USA
               Notice       Used to alert persons to the
                            potential   of   exposures
                            exceeding   the   reference
                            levels for the public.
                            Note:  In  some  countries,
                            these signs are called Notices
                            or Caution Signs

               Caution      Used to alert persons to the
                            possibility   of   exposures
                            exceeding   the   reference
                            levels for workers.
                            Note:  In  some  countries,
                            these signs are called Caution
                            Signs or Warning Signs

               Warning      Used  to  advise  persons  of  Not used in Australia
                            potential exposures that may
                            exceed  the  reference  levels
                            for workers by a factor of 10
                            (the  safety  factor  in  the
                            (ICNIRP, 1998) guidelines.
                            Note:  Not  used  in  all

               Danger       Normally  only  used  for
                            situations    in     which
                            immediate and serious injury    Do not alter
                            will occur such as in the case   Staff in Hazard Area
                            of  RF  burns  and/or  RF       Attached By:
                                                            Date            /             /
                            electrical shocks.                          RAD HAZ 93/2A

            Other signage, such as advertising, should not generally be attached to wireless network antennas
            unless it is part of the integration of the antennas with the visual environment (see section 9.6).
            Other general requirements for signage can be found in the European Directives 2013/35/EU and

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