Page 1041 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 1041

Work area    FG‐SSC      SDO      Document         Corresponding      Standardization   Future needs
                       deliverable(s)   working   number        document title     gap in this area   and suggestions
                       related to this   on this   released by                                      to SG5
                         work area    area      this SDO
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              27040       Security techniques — Storage
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              27041       Security techniques — Guid‐
                                                          ance on assuring suitability
                                                          and adequacy of investigation
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              27042       Security techniques — Guide‐
                                                          lines for the analysis and
                                                          interpretation of digital
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              27043       Security techniques — Investi‐
                                                          gation principles and
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              27044       Security techniques — Securi‐
                                                          ty Information and Event
                                                          Management (SIEM)
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              27050       Security techniques — Elec‐
                                                          tronic discovery
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              29003       Security techniques — Identity
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              29100       Security techniques —
                                                          A privacy framework
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              29101       Security techniques — A pri‐
                                                          vacy reference architecture
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              29115       Security techniques — Entity
                                                          authentication assurance
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              29134       Security techniques — Privacy
                                                          impact assessment — Meth‐
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              29146       Security techniques —
                                                          A framework for access
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              29147       Security techniques —
                                                          Responsible vulnerability
                                              ISO/IEC TR   Information Technology —
                                              29149       Security techniques — Best
                                                          practices for the provision and
                                                          use of time‐stamping services
                                              ISO/IEC     Information Technology —
                                              29151       Security techniques — Code of
                                                          practice for the protection of
                                                          personally identifiable

            ITU‐T's Technical Reports and Specifications                                                 1031
   1036   1037   1038   1039   1040   1041   1042   1043   1044   1045   1046