Page 666 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
P. 666

5                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

            II.2    Analysis between two architectural models

            An analysis of features  and detailed functions, shown in clause  II.1, reveals that the ITS station
            reference architecture  has  a  structure  quite  similar  to the functional  architecture model of NGN,
            although some of the terminology ("Facilities", "Transport" and "Access technologies") in the ITS
            station reference architecture is used in a different way in NGN. Considering this different usage of
            terminology, this appendix shows a way to harmonize the ITS station reference architecture model
            into the functional architecture model of the networked vehicle over NGN, based on the analysis of
            features and detailed functions. Table II.1 shows a summary of the analysis between the ITS station
            reference architecture and the NGN functional architecture defined in [ITU-T Y.2012].

                   Table II.1 – Features and comparison between ITS station reference architecture
                                            and NGN functional architecture

               ITS station        Corresponding NGN
                reference        functional architecture                       Rationale
             Access           Transport functions          Even called "Access technologies" but this part
             technologies                                  generally represents the transport function itself. NGN
                                                           applies at "Station external IF" but not at "Station
                                                           internal IF".
             Networking and  Transport control functions   This generally handles networking protocols such as
             transport                                     IPv6, TCP/UDP, etc., so it should correspond to
                                                           "Transport control functions".
             Facilities       Service control and          "Facilities" is the most difficult part to map because of
                              service/application support   the different usage of naming, but it is mainly
                              functions                    involved in "session support" and "ITS application".
                                                           Thus, this should correspond to "Service/application
                                                           support functions" in NGN.

             Applications     Applications                 This part mainly involves providing ITS applications,
                                                           so it corresponds to "Application functions" in NGN.
             Management       Management                   Mostly the same but need to consider ITS specific
                                                           requirements should be considered.
             Security         Security                     Mostly the same but need to consider ITS specific
                                                           requirements should be considered.
            Based on Table  II.1,  a  possible mapping of  the  ITS  station  reference architecture  into  the  NGN
            functional architecture can be depicted, as shown in Figure II.3.

            652      Rec. ITU-T Y.4407/Y.2281 (01/2011)
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