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24   Id.

               25   Emily Steel, Netflix Is Betting Its Future on Exclusive Programming, NY Times, Apr. 19, 2015, http:// www. nytimes. com/
                   2015/ 04/ 20/ business/ media/ netflix- is- betting- its- future- on- exclusive- programming. html.

               26   Sam Paltridge, Michael Donohue, Brigitte Acoca, 2015 OECD Digital Economy Outlook: Chapter 5: Emerging Issues: The
                   Internet of Things, OECD, DSTA/ICCP(2014)15/CHAP5/REV1 (Mar. 20, 2015), at 38.

               27   Eric Jackson, Apple Isn’t a Hardware or Software Company – It’s an Ecosystem Company, Forbes, June 30, 2014, http://
                   www. forbes. com/ sites/ ericjackson/ 2014/ 06/ 03/ apple- isnt- a- hardware- or- software- company- its- an- ecosystem- company/
                   (describing how the value of being in Apple’s ecosystem increases as their devices gain greater interoperability within
                   Apple’s own platform).
               28   Brian Proffitt, What APIs Are and Why They’re Important, Read Write, Sep. 19, 2013, http:// readwrite. com/ 2013/ 09/ 19/
                   api- defined.
               29   Mike Beasley, Twitterrific 5 for Mac may become the first casualty in Twitter’s war on developers, but it won’t be the last,
                   Nov. 25, 2014, http:// 9to5mac. com/ 2014/ 11/ 25/ twitterrific- 5- twitters- war- on- developers/ .

               30   David Streitfeld, Amazon and Hachette Resolve Dispute, NY Times, Nov. 13, 2014, http:// www. nytimes. com/ 2014/ 11/ 14/
                   technology/ amazon- hachette- ebook- dispute. html?_ r= 0.

               31   European Commission, Commission Staff Working Document, A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe – Analysis and
                   Evidence (2015), at 67, http:// ec. europa. eu/ priorities/ digital- single- market/ docs/ dsm- swd_ en. pdf.

               32   Amit Chowdhry, How Facebook Finds Out If Your Passwords Were Stolen, Forbes, Oct. 22, 2014, http:// www. forbes. com/
                   sites/ amitchowdhry/ 2014/ 10/ 22/ how- facebook- finds- out- if- your- passwords- were- stolen/ .

               33   Robin Sidel, Apple Pay Sign-Ups Get Tougher as Banks Respond to Fraud, Wall Street Journal, Mar. 6, 2015, http:// blogs.
                   wsj. com/ totalreturn/ 2015/ 03/ 06/ apple- pay- sign- ups- get- tougher- as- banks- respond- to- fraud/ .

               34   Ian Peter, Can TCP/IP Survive? Circle ID, Sep. 7, 2004, http:// www. circleid. com/ posts/ can_ tcp_ ip_ survive (Article
                   describing several of the weaknesses in the TCP/IP protocol).

               35   David Talbot, Why E-mail Can’t Be Completely Private, MIT Technology Review, Aug. 14, 2013, http:// www.
                   technologyreview. com/ news/ 518056/ why- e- mail- cant- be- completely- private/ .
               36   Tim Higgins, Elizabeth Dexheimer, Apple Pay Running Into Hurdles at Checkout Counter, Survey Finds, Bloomberg
                   Business, Mar. 31, 2015, http:// www. bloomberg. com/ news/ articles/ 2015- 03- 31/ apple- pay- running- into- hurdles- at-
                   checkout- counter- survey- finds- i7x95shl.

               37   Alexandra Larralde, Social Login Trends Across the Web: Q4 2014, Janrain, Jan. 8, 2015, http:// janrain. com/ blog/ social-
                   login- trends- across- the- web- q4- 2014/ .

               38   Reuters, Amazon Kindle Sold ‘At Cost,’ CEO Jeff Bezos Confirms, Huffington Post, Oct. 11, 2012, http:// www.
                   huffingtonpost. com/ 2012/ 10/ 11/ amazon- kindle- lost- leader- bezos_ n_ 1959919. html.

               39   David Streitfeld, Amazon and Hachette Resolve Dispute, NY Times, Nov. 13, 2014, http:// www. nytimes. com/ 2014/ 11/ 14/
                   technology/ amazon- hachette- ebook- dispute. html?_ r= 0.
               40   See Part 3.2, supra.

               41   Venkatesen Mauree, The Mobile Money Revolution: Part 2: Financial Inclusion Enabler, ITU-T Technology Watch Report
                   (May 2013), http:// www. itu. int/ dms_ pub/ itu- t/ oth/ 23/ 01/ T23010000200002PDFE. pdf, at p. 15.

               42   See, e.g., ITU-T Focus Group on M2M Service Layer, M2M service layer: Requirements and architectural framework, Apr.
                   2014, https:// www. itu. int/ dms_ pub/ itu- t/ opb/ fg/ T- FG- M2M- 2014- D2. 1- PDF- E. pdf.

               43   ITU-T, HSTP-H810: Introduction to the ITU-T H.810 Continua Design Guidelines, July 11, 2014, https:// www. itu. int/ dms_
                   pub/ itu- t/ opb/ tut/ T- TUT- EHT- 2014- H810- PDF- E. pdf.

               44   Paul de Hert, Vagelis Papkonstantinou, Irene Kamara, The new cloud computing ISO/IEC 27018 standard through the
                   lens of the EU legislation on data protection, Brussels Privacy Hub, Working Paper v. 1, N°2, Nov. 2014, http:// ssrn. com/
                   abstract= 2542125, at p. 7.

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