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Open consultation process for WSIS Forum 2013 now open

ITU champions bottom-up, multi-stakeholder approach to building an inclusive, innovative Information Society

Geneva, 8 October, 2012 — Stakeholders from government, civil society and the private sector are invited to join the open consultation process for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2013, with a view to forging a common vision around the priorities and activities needed to meet the targets set in 2005 in Tunis at the UN World Summit on the Information Society.

The Open Consultation Process for 2013, which opens today, is structured around five phases, combining both online contributions and two physical meetings:

Phase I - 8 October 2012

- Online Dialogues on the WSIS Knowledge Communities

- Official submissions can be submitted at www.wsis.org/forum until 23 January 2013

Phase II - 16 November 2012

First physical meeting

Phase III - 23 January 2013

Deadline for submission of Official Contributions and binding requests for workshop sessions

Phase IV - 15 February 2013

Second physical meeting - Final review

Phase V - 16 April 2013

Final Brief

The comprehensive consultation process for the 2013 event continues the participatory and inclusive spirit of the WSIS process and WSIS Forum. Next year’s Forum, scheduled to be held from 13 - 17 May in Geneva, expects to welcome over 1,500 international delegates from government, civil society, the private sector and intergovernmental organizations. The forum will also cover the Overall WSIS Review Process (WSIS+10- WSIS Beyond 2015).

Organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP, the agenda of every WSIS Forum event is directly shaped by inputs received from the WSIS community. All interested parties are encouraged to submit their contributions directly via the WSIS Forum 2013 website at: www.itu.int/wsis/implementation/2013/forum/ocp/submissions.html

With information and communications technologies (ICTs) playing an increasingly instrumental role in the delivery of basic services like education, health and food security, improved connectivity has become a major development imperative. ICTs are also key to addressing emerging challenges including climate change, management of essential resources such as power and water, road safety, and the design and management of ‘smart cities’.

Since 2009, the WSIS Forum has served as the key international platform for capturing global perspectives, building multi-stakeholder consensus and identifying emerging trends. The event gives government ministers, CEOs, civil society representatives and academics a unique chance to gather around the table to dialogue on these and other crucial issues.

WSIS Forum 2013 website has been launched at www.wsis.org/forum

Follow WSIS Forum on Twitter at #WSIS.

For more information, please contact:

Sarah Parkes
Media Relations, ITU
tel +41 22 730 6135
mobile +41 79 599 1439
email sarah.parkes@itu.int
Jaroslaw Ponder
Strategy & Policy Advisor, ITU
tel +41 22 730 6065
mobile +41 79 599 1405
email jaroslaw.ponder@itu.int
facebook www.itu.int/facebook

Twitter at #WSIS.


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About WSIS

The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) is a UN process that was initiated in two unique phases in order to create an evolving multi-stakeholder platform aimed at promoting Information Society at the national, regional and international levels. The goal of WSIS is to achieve a common vision, desire and commitment to build a people-centric, inclusive and development-oriented Information Society where everyone can create, access, utilize and share information. The Final Review of this process will take place in 2015. www.wsis.org


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