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ITU to play leading role in UN global cybersecurity debate

Geneva, 28 November 2011 – ITU Secretary-General Dr Hamadoun Touré will be among the prominent global leaders taking part in a special United Nations Economic and Social Council public debate on Cybersecurity and Development.

Modern information and communications technologies (ICTs) now underpin just about all human activity, from transportation, water and power networks, to industrial processes and supply chains, emergency services, healthcare, education, food distribution chains, and financial services.

But while technology brings many benefits, this dependence has given rise to the need to protect against potential threats posed to the everyday lives of people and States alike.

Cybersecurity and cybercrime are multidimensional issues involving different disciplines, skills and technologies. Strengthening security in the information society is a shared responsibility in which all stakeholders (governments, private sector, international organizations, civil society) have vital roles to play.

Media are invited to attend the debate and participate in the Q&A session.


ECOSOC Debate on Cybersecurity and Development


10:00am - 1:00pm, 9 December, 2011


ECOSOC Chamber, UN Headquarters, New York


To look at the challenges posed by ubiquitous connectivity and potential responses to mounting cyberthreats



Chair: H.E. Mr. Lazarous Kapambwe, President of ECOSOC and Permanent Representative of Zambia to the United Nations

Moderator: Gary Fowlie, Head, ITU Liaison Office in New York


  • Dr. Hamadoun Touré, Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union
  • Fortunato de la Peña, Vice-Minister for Science and Technology, Philippines, and  Chair, Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) -  via video-link
  • Cheri McGuire, Vice President, Global Government Affairs & Cybersecurity Policy, Symantec
  • Mohd Noor Amin, Chairman, Management Board IMPACT Malaysia
  • Deborah Taylor Tate, ITU Special Envoy and Laureate for Child Online Protection, United States Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission (Ret.)

UN Media Accreditation is essential to attend this event. Media not formally accredited with the United Nations are invited to apply for accreditation well in advance of the event at: www.un.org/media/accreditation.

For more information about the event see: www.un.org/en/ecosoc/cybersecurity/index.shtml.

For more information, please contact:

Sarah Parkes
Chief Media Relations & Public Information
tel +41 22 730 6039
mobile +41 79 599 1439
email pressinfo@itu.int
Gary Fowlie
Head, ITU Liaison Office to the United Nations
tel +1 917 367 2992
email gary.fowlie@itu.int

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