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  主页 : ITU-R; : 大会和会议; : : 提案/议项-条款


注:提案是从文稿中自 动摘录的,而文稿仍作为参考文件。

议项 7.1

7   [in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention]

7.1   [to consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since WRC-2000, including on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations, and action in response to Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-2000)]

提案类型 提案
1.189 MOD EUR/13A41/8
11(Title) MOD ASP/25A45/282
11.44 MOD EUR/13A41/3 - IRN/32/99
11.44.[2] ADD EUR/13A41/4
11.44.1 MOD IRN/32/100
11.44.2 MOD IRN/32/101
11.44B MOD EUR/13A41/5 - IRN/32/102
11.48 MOD EUR/13A41/6 - IRN/32/103
5.488 MOD CAN/43A3/37 - EUR/13A41/9 - EUR/13A41/10
9 (Title ) MOD ASP/25A45/281
9.14 MOD CME/42A3/58 - IAP/5A2/264
9.14.1 ADD IAP/5A2/265
A.11.5 ADD ASP/25A45/282A
A.9.7 ADD ASP/25A45/281A
App.30B (6.29) MOD AFCP/57/46
App.30B (6.34) MOD EUR/13A41/1 - IRN/32/97
App.30B (6.38) MOD AFCP/57/47
App.30B (6.43) MOD AFCP/57/48
App.30B (6.50) MOD EUR/13A41/2 - IRN/32/98
App.30B (6.57) MOD AFCP/57/49
App.30B (8.1) MOD AFCP/57/50
App.30B (8.3) MOD AFCP/57/51
App.30B (8.4) MOD AFCP/57/52
App.30B(6.1) MOD AFCP/57/45
App.5 (Table 5-1) MOD EUR/13A41/11 - EUR/13A41/12 - IAP/5A2/266 - IRN/32/105
Res. 33 MOD ASP/25A45/283
Res. 34 (resolves 1) MOD ASP/25A45/274
Res. 42 (5.1.f of Annex) MOD ASP/25A45/275
Res. 49 (Annex 2, A) MOD EUR/13A41/7
Res. 507 (resolves 2) MOD ASP/25A45/276
Res. 525 (para. 2, Sect.II, Anx) MOD ASP/25A45/277
Res. 525 (para. 4, Sect.III, Anx) MOD ASP/25A45/278
Res. 525 (para. 5, Sect.IV, Anx) MOD ASP/25A45/279
Res. 528 (resolves 3) MOD ASP/25A45/280
Res. 57 MOD F/70/1
Res. 77 MOD IAP/5A2/263 - IRN/32/104
Res. 77 SUP EUR/13A41/13
合计: 49


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