Committed to connecting the world

Formulaire pour la consultation publique relative au plan stratégique pour la période 2020-2023



Name : AL BALUSHI, Muna
Date : July 06, 2017
Organization : Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
Country : Oman
Job Title : Senior Specialist

Contribution : ​​1. What should be the key strategic priorities for ITU for the 2020-2023 period, taking into account the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals? Priority areas of focus could be health and education (Goals 3 & 4 of the SDGs) in a manner that quality and authentic content and speedy interventions are available and made accessible ubiquitously in these two vital sectors. Engagement among economic and social sectors with that of the ICT could be formalized in order to render efficient and effective citizen services including smart cities and infrastructure provisioning. (SDGs 6,7,8,9,11 and 17) Encouragement and facilitation of sharing of infrastructure including spectrum to reduce the digital divide and spread of ICT among all users (SDGs 5,10 and 16). Reining in of non-telecom players in the realm of ICT to address the unfair competition and inadequacy of rules and regulations to ensure level playing field without endangering innovation and development. ITU to encourage more studies and development in the field of data privacy and cybersecurity. ITU to develop ICT indicators in order to evaluate the progress made in SDGs. 2. What are the key technological trends ITU should consider while planning its strategy? Shaping up and influencing both the thought process and planning phases in design and rollout of internet of things; Digital governance with speed and certainty underpinning the service offerings; Development of standards and platforms for proliferation of ecommerce; Strengthening of cloud computing with efficient and simple protocols and standard offerings; Development of standards and specifications for carrier grade Wi-Fi offerings. Artificial Intelligence Big Data IOT and Smart Home Tech Data Analytic Tools Machine Learning 3. What do you consider to be the top three challenges for the ITU and the top three achievements you would like to see the ITU accomplish in the 2020-2023 timeframe? Top three challenges are: a. Net neutrality – its interpretation and application; data privacy and security; b. Global connectivity – virtual barriers, cyber security; c. Governance frameworks in the global institutions to activate inter-sectoral and inter-governmental engagements. d. Industry regulation 4. Top three achievements that we would like to happen: a. Ubiquitous connectivity removing silos and barriers; b. Safe and secure internet; c. Enabling and realizing at least 7 to 9 out of the 17 SCGs in the above time frame d. Innovation and meeting individual demands 5. Any other thoughts or comments you would like to make? Interoperability and deployment of standard protocols could be the basis to encourage future technological products and services. While speed and diversity are the trends observed in the new technological renderings these could be supported by markers like relevance, appropriateness and authenticity. Consumer protection in respect of personal data and unsolicited intrusion are emerging as significant concerns in the ever connected world; codes of practice and self-regulation measures should be encouraged and facilitated to avoid over-use of digital economy.