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Working Party 1C Rapporteur and Correspondence Groups

Important notification : Please be aware that on Wednesday 9 June 2021, ITU-R mailing list services will be interrupted due to enhancements purposes, from 9:00 UTC+2. You will be advised as soon as all services are available. Thank you for your understanding.​​​​​​​ ​​​

​​​Group Name/Contact SharePoint Site Mailing list* E-mail Archives
​​​​​Correspondence Group on developing a draft new Report
ITU-R SM.[POPULATION_COVERAGE] on Principles for the estimation of coverage for digital terrestrial wireless networks based on population

Chairman: Vadym Blagodarnyi​ (​​

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Correspondence Group on the use of commercial drones for ITU-R spectrum monitoring tasks towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[UAVs]

Chairman: Kanghee Kim​ (​​​

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Correspondence Group on the development of a preliminary draft new Recommendation on test procedure for determining the accuracy of TDOA systems

Chairman: Yang Junteng​ (

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Rapporteur Group on performance evaluation of mobile DF units in operational environment towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation

Rapporteur: Andreas A. Agius (

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Correspondence Group on developing a new edition of the ITU Handbook on Spectrum Monitoring

Chairman: Ralf Trautmann​ (

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Correspondence Group on the use of small satellites for spectrum monitoring towards​ a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[SMALL-SAT] 

Chairman: Caiyong Hao​ (​

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Correspondence Group on the revision of Recommendation ITU-R
SM.1875-3 on “DVB-T coverage measurements and verification of planning criteria”

Chairman: Thomas Hasenpusch​ (​

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​​ Correspondence Group on the revision of Report ITU R SM.2452
on “electromagnetic field measurements to assess human exposure”

Chairman: Haim Mazar​ (​​

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Correspondence Group on the revision of Report ITU-R SM.2454 on “Spectrum monitoring techniques in the radionavigation-satellite service frequency bands”

Chairman: Felix Schad​ (​​

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* Before sending e-mail, subscribe to the relevant mailing list(s) (How to use)​ ​

The E-mail Archives of the WP 1C main mailing list ( is at:

Other Rapporteur and Correspondence Groups of Study Group 1, Working Parties 1A and 1B

SG 1, WP 1A, WP 1B and WP 1C archived mailing lists