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  • 31 March 2017
    ITU-D Study Group 1 finalizes Reports on 9 study topics

    ​The fourth and final meeting of the ITU-D Study Group 1 for the 2014-2017 study period was held in Geneva from 27 to 31 March 2017.

    The meeting finalized Reports and other deliverables on 9 study topics as requested by WTDC-14. The deliverables consist of practical guidance, checklists, toolkits, guidelines and training material. The reports will be presented to World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-17) which will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 9 to 20 October 2017.

    The topics studied this cycle include:

    • Policy, regulatory and technical aspects of the migration from existing networks to broadband networks in developing countries, including next-generation networks, m-services, OTT services and the implementation of IPv6,
    • Broadband access technologies, including IMT, for developing countries,
    • Access to cloud computing: challenges and opportunities for developing countries,
    • Economic policies and methods of determining the costs of services related to national telecommunication/ICT networks, including next-generation networks,
    • Telecommunications/ICTs for rural and remote areas,
    • Consumer information, protection and rights: Laws, regulation, economic bases, consumer networks,
    • Access to telecommunication/ICT services by persons with disabilities and with specific needs,
    • Examination of strategies and methods of migration from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting and implementation of new services,
    • Participation of countries, particularly developing countries, in spectrum management,

    "These reports will serve as useful tools and guidance for policy making and capacity building among ITU Members", said Mr Brahima Sanou Director of the ITU's Telecommunication Development Bureau.

    He added, "ITU-D study groups represent a unique neutral platform where experts gather to produce relevant tools, useful guidelines and resources for our Membership. They generate innovative ideas and good practices from which every country can benefit, regardless of the level of development and income."

    ITU-D Study Group 1 is chaired by Mrs Roxanne McElvane Webber (United States of America).

    Click here for more details about ITU-D Study Group 1

    See also: Photo Gallery