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ITU/NBTC/ADB Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Universal Access and Service and Broadband Deployment 2015

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The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC) together with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) are jointly organising the Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Universal Access and Service and Broadband Deployment 2015 during 25-27 March 2015 at Pullman Bangkok King Power Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. The Forum is organised under the ITU/ADB framework on ICT for Development in the Asia-Pacific Region (ICTD-ASP), which was launched in April 2014.

The three-day forum, featuring plenary sessions, bi/multi-lateral meetings, and exhibition, is aimed to:
rovide a forum for all relevant stakeholders to meet and discuss about issues, challenges, and opportunities concerning Universal Access and Service, sustainable ICT development projects as well as broadband deployment;
 Identify innovative approaches for promoting broadband through USO framework and/or public-private partnership; 
 Identify potential projects which could be implemented under the ICTD-ASP framework; 
 Push forward a proposal to make the Asia-Pacific USO forum a regular event e.g. on an annual basis.

The Forum targets policy makers, national regulatory authorities, practitioners, scholars, financiers, public and private sector including NGOs and the civil society and all other relevant stakeholders in making, implementing, and promoting the Universal Access and Service and/or National Broadband Policy in their respective countries or internationally.

To register for the Forum, participants are requested to complete the online registration form at the website mentioned above before 6 March 2015.

ITU and ADB are pleased to provide fellowships for eligible countries subject to availability of funds and on first-come-first-serve basis. Priority will be given to those who will prepare and present related county cases and/or reports in the Forum. Applicants requesting fellowships are required to submit their fellowship request forms duly signed by the designated official of their respective Administration no later than
6 March 2015.

Should you have any question regarding the event, please do not hesitate to contact Mr.Wisit Atipayakoon (


​08:00-09:00 | Registration

09:00-09:30 | Opening Session

 Welcome Remarks by Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

 Welcome Remarks by Asian Development Bank (ADB)

 Opening Remarks by General Sukit Khamasundara, Commissioner, National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

09:30-10:00 | Group photo & Coffee break

09:50 | Opening of the Exhibition


The underlying concept of universal access and service is to ensure that telecommunications services are accessible to the wides number of people (and communities) at affordable prices. The concept of universal access and service is underpinned by the three principles namely: Availability, Affordability, and Accessibility. 

An old concept of universal access and service which seeks to narrow the telecommunications gap especially voice has unfortunately not been enough to tackle the today’s high demand for data i.e. access to information and knowledge through the Internet. Thanks to the rapid development of technologies, the scope of universal access and service has been widened to include Internet and even broadband in many countries; however, it is still much restricted in scope in some other countries.

A periodic review and adjustment of the universal access and service framework (including the universal service fund), vision, policy and administrative mechanisms need to be put in place. A modern concept of universal access and service addresses both supply and demand sides.

This session will examine the new approach and principle of modern universal access and service scheme and look into country practices. It will also focus on topics such as:

  Universal access and service policy and legislative framework
  Market reform, market gap analysis, market incentives and enabling environment
  Infrastructure sharing, interconnection rates, taxes, spectrum and reasonable fees
  Modelled universal access and service programmes and projects

12:00-13:00 | Lunch Break

13:00-15:00 | Session 2 - universal access and service from the supply side: infrastructure and broadband deployment

With the ever-escalating global demand for rapid and easy access to information and the growing evidence of the economic and social benefits generated by ICTs and broadband in particular, there has been a substantial increase in government participation and intervention within the telecom/ICT sector with an aim to lay down nation-wide broadband network. These include utilisation of the universal access and service fund. With these regards, the restriction of many universal access and service framework and fund as regards financing of broadband should be revisited and preferably removed.

Global trends also show that wireless broadband is the most suitable approach for achieving the governments’ goal due to its relatively lower shared costs and coverage of geographically separated areas which do not necessarily have high population density; its ease of penetration, and its ability to deploy and rollout rapidly. Therefore, making spectrum available for affordable wireless broadband services, in frequency spectrum bands designated for mobile/wireless services, is a prerequisite for a good quality wireless broadband plan.

This session will address the role of universal access and service particular the fund in national broadband deployment. Topics also include:

  Innovative approaches for promoting national broadband rollout through the universal access and service framework
  Technology options for network rollouts in rural/remote areas
  Efficient spectrum management for wireless broadband deployment
  National broadband policy/plan and multi-stakeholders approaches

15:00-15:15 | Coffee break

15:15-17:15 | (cont'd) Session 2 - universal access and service from the supply side: infrastructure and broadband deployment



09:00-10:30 | session 3: universal access and service from the demand side: promoting ict uptake and social inclusion

Sustainability is underpinned by targeted and comprehensive training and other educational programmes designed to ensure self-sufficiency in areas such as the operation of community e-centres, in addition, to facilitate the use of telecommunications technologies by population segments who previously had little or no access to telecommunications of any kind. It is therefore important that universal access and service framework needs to take into account the need for sustainability. With these regards, appropriate training and education need to be addressed due to widespread illiteracy and general lack of knowledge amongst many segments of poor and disadvantaged populations.

It is also important to ensure that the universal access and service framework incorporate the need for development of specific content and applications; ensuring connectivity and provision of ICT equipment for anchor institutions such as schools, universities, libraries, hospitals and cultural institutions.

This session will look at innovative approaches for demand generation particularly the development of user applications and content; as well as sustainability issue. Topics will include:

  Demand creation and user application and content development
  Broadband access for schools
  Government digital agenda and e-services
  Innovative approaches for sustainable community e-centres and possible business models
  Child online protection and cyber-security
  Continuous training and capacity building programmes

10:30-10:45 | Coffee break

10:45-12:15| (cont'd) session 3: universal access and service from the demand side: promoting ict uptake and social inclusion


12:15-13:15 | Lunch Break

13:15-15:15 | Session 4: universal access and service and the need for digital inclusion

Today, in general terms, the overall concept of social and digital inclusion has been absent from many universal access and service policy frameworks. In order for universal service to truly bring benefits to all, it needs to be re-examined and re-defined to ensure that all communities as well as targeted population groups have access to ICTs.

While a number of universal access and service frameworks have articulated a policy with respect to specific elements of digital inclusion such as services for persons with disabilities, many of them have so far not translated the articulated policy into specific targets and actions. Community e-centres also need to take into account the needs of accessibility or assistance for persons with disabilities.

This session will look at some services which should be taken into account in the universal access and service policy framework. The session will include the following topics:

  Model ICT Accessibility Policy
  Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS), digital audio books (DAISY)
  Emergency communications in disaster/emergency management, and audio description in broadcasting, Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)
  Single emergency number

15:15-15:30 | Coffee break

15:30-17:00 | (cont'd) Session 4: universal access and service and the need for digital inclusion



09:00-10:30 | session 5: universal service funds & public-private partnership

Over the last two decades, national regulatory authorities have increasingly been turning to the concept of a universal service funding mechanism (USF) designed as an incentive to encourage operators to assist in achieving universal service goas.

The Asia-Pacific region in particular has a considerable number of functioning USFs and a high level of activity amongst the funds. It also displays a greater focus than other regions as regards the deployment of broadband through the use of USFs. Nonetheless, many funds face numerous challenges and pitfalls that need to be overcome to ensure that society as a whole can benefit from these funds today and in the future.

This session aims at addressing issues, challenges, and opportunities in USF; while to explore other approaches based on innovative public-private partnership aimed at stimulating effective and efficient use of the funds as well as facilitating achieving the universal service goals and especially national broadband deployment. Topics include:

  USF Mechanism: Challenges and Opportunities
  USF Management: Policy and Organisational Structure (Administrative Control VS Independent Fund Manager)
  Innovative Public-Private Partnership
  Alternative financing mechanisms
  USF programme monitoring and evaluation

10:30-10:45 | Coffee break

10:45-12:15| (cont'd) session 5: universal service funds & public-private partnership


12:00-13:00 | Lunch Break

13:15-14:45 | Session 6 - international coordination / cooperation and conclusion

This session will focus on building effective international coordination and cooperation that promote the universal service and broadband initiatives. It will also discuss about the ICTD-ASP framework and potential projects to be formulated and implemented under the framework. Topics of discussion will include:

  International cooperation and regional and sub-regional coordination and cooperation frameworks
  Regular platform for networking and knowledge sharing among policy makers, industry, and relevant stakeholders in the region
  Potential projects under the ICTD-ASP (programme 1)
  Ways forward

14:45-15:00 | closing session

  Closing Remarks by Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
  Closing Remarks by General Sukit Khamasundara, Commissioner, National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

15:00 | Refreshments

15:30-17:00 | (Closed session) ictd-asp stakeholders meeting