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ITU Asia-Pacific Regional Development Forum 2015

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology of Thailand (MICT) jointly organized the ITU Asia-Pacific Regional Development Forum 2015 (RDF-2015) held at Plaza Athénée Bangkok Hotel, Thailand, during 21-22 August 2015. The ​RDF-2015 was preceded by the Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on e-Government, Smart Cities, and Digital Societies for Sustainable Development which was also held at the same venue on 19 and 20 August 2015.

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Regional Development Forums provided a great opportunity for high level dialogue between the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) and decision makers of the ITU Member States and Sector Members. They served as platform for assessing strategic orientations that might have an impact on BDT’s regional work plan in between the telecommunications development conferences. In this context, these Forums reported on the activities of the Dubai Action Plan, with particular emphasis on regional initiatives in order to get feedback from membership to adjust BDT’s work in the regions.

The Forum addressed in detail the five regional initiatives approved by the WTDC-14, providing members with an opportunity to exchange experiences and best practices in the implementation of these initiatives as well as Connect Asia-Pacific Summit 2013 outcomes. The Forum also had tracks dedicated to digital financial inclusion, ICT applications, human capacity building, Green ICTs etc.
Mr. Sameer Sharma, Senior Advisor, ITU Regional Office, is at your full disposal as regards the ITU Regional Development Forum 2015, should you require any further information: E mail:, Tel: +66 2 575 0055, Fax +66 2 575 3507.

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Friday 21 August 2015


Onsite registration starts from 08:00hrs

Opening Session

   Welcome Remarks by Mr. Brahima Sanou, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), ITU

   Welcome Remarks by Ms. Areewan Haorangsi, Secretary General, Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT)

   Welcome Remarks by Mrs Songporn Komolsuradej, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information
       and Communication Technology, Thailand [SPEECH]

Group Photo and Coffee break hosted by MICT Thailand

Session 1: Asia-Pacific ICT Development 2011-2014

The Session will present results of the implementation of the programs, projects and partnerships under the ITU Asia-Pacific Regional Initiatives approved by WTDC-10.  

Session Chairperson: Mrs Songporn Komolsuradej, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Thailand

  Setting the Regional Context , ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific [presentation]
      Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  Unique ICT needs for least developed countries (LDCs), Small Island developing States (SIDS) and
      landlocked developing countries [presentation]
      Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon, Programme Officer, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  Emergency Telecommunications [presentation]
      Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon, Programme Officer, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  Digital Broadcasting  [presentation]
      Ms. Sireerat Bunnag, Programme Officer, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  Broadband Access and Uptake in Urban and Rural areas  [presentation]
      Mr. Sameer Sharma, Senior Advisor, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  Telecommunications/ICT Policy and Regulation in the Asia-Pacific Region  [presentation]
      Ms. Aurora Rubio, Head, ITU Area Office for South East Asia

Session 2: Smartly Digital Asia-Pacific: The Next Four Years Development Agenda

This Session will present key decisions of WTDC-14 aimed at Smartly Digital Asia-Pacific for the period of 2015-2018. In particular, the Session will cover outcomes of WTDC-14, including the ITU-D Strategic Plan, Asia-Pacific Regional Initiatives, ITU-D global initiatives, Asia-Pacific Centres of Excellence amongst others. 

Session Chairperson: Mr. Brahima Sanou, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), ITU

  Key Results of WTDC-14 and the ITU-D Strategic Plan from 2016-2019   [presentation]
      Dr. Bohyun Seo, Vice Chairman, TDAG
  Empowering Development and Smart Sustainable Development Model Initiative (SSDM)   
      Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  Supporting m-Powering development  [presentation]
      Mr. Philip Cronin, Director, Intel Asia Pacific & Japan
  The ITU Asia-Pacific Centre of Excellence: Experiences and implementation of the new Strategy
      Ms. Kalaya Chinatiworn, Chairman, ITU Asia-Pacific CoE Steering Committee

Lunch hosted by MICT Thailand

Session 3: Special consideration for least developed countries, small island developing states, including Pacific island countries, and landlocked developing countries

Session 3 will present possible ways of the implementation of the project(s)/initiatives on special consideration for least developed countries, small island developing states, including Pacific island countries, and landlocked developing countries for the Asia-Pacific Region under the regional initiatives approved by WTDC-14. In particular, the Session will present potential partners and expected results. The objective of this regional initiative is to provide special assistance to least developed countries (LDCs), small island developing states (SIDS), including Pacific island countries, and landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) in order to meet their priority ICT requirements.

Session Chairperson: Mr.Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

  E-Government Development for SIDS  [presentation]
      Mr. Jae-Hong Lim, Head, United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG)
  APT projects and initiatives in the Pacific Islands Countries  [presentation]
      Mr. Kondo Masanori, Deputy Secretary General of Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT)
  Outcome of the Pacific Ministerial Meeting 2015  [presentation]
      Mr. Paula Pouvaly Ma’U, CEO, Ministry of Communication, Tonga
  Impact of Global Warming and Climate Change to SIDS  [presentation]
      Mr. Ilyas Ahmed, Chief Executive, Communications Authority of Maldives

Coffee break hosted by MICT Thailand

Session 4: Emergency Telecommunications

Session 4 will present ways of the implementation of the projects/initiatives on Emergency telecommunications under the regional initiatives approved by WTDC-14. In particular, the Session will present potential partners and details of expected results. The objective of the initiative is to provide assistance to Member States at all phases of disaster management, i.e. disaster preparedness including early warning, disaster response/relief and rehabilitation of telecommunication networks.

Session Chairperson: Mr. Louis Napoleon Casambre, Undersecretary and Executive Director Information and Communication Technology Office, Department of Science and Technology Philippines

  Disaster Management Experience in The Philippines  [presentation]
      Dir. Raul Nilo, ICT Office’s Systems and Infrastructure Management Service (SIMS)
  Disaster Management Experience in Nepal  [presentation]
      Mr. Ananda Raj Khanal, Director, Nepal Telecommunications Authority
  ESCAP Emergency Communications and Disaster Management Framework  [presentation]
      Mr. Matthew Perkins, Economic Affairs Officer, ICT and Development Section, ICT and Disaster Risk
      Reduction Division, ESCAP

Saturday 22 August 2015

Session 5: Harnessing the Benefits of New Technologies

Session 5 will present ways of implementation of projects/initiatives on Harnessing the benefits of new technologies under the regional initiatives approved by WTDC-14. The objective under this regional initiative is to assist ITU Member States in utilizing new technologies and address human and technical capacity challenges related to issues.

Session Chairperson: Mr. Ziping Liu, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, P.R. China

  Experiences on the potential of broadband mobile to realize smart society  [presentation]
      Mr. Rajeev Bawa, Acting Chief Corporate Affairs Officer for DTAC and Telenor Group Chief Representative
      for India
  Transition from IPv4 to IPv6  [presentation]
      Mr. Duncan Macintosh, Development Director, APNIC
  Harnessing new technologies for Smart Society  [presentation]
      Mr. Guillaume Mascot, APAC Public Affairs Director, Alcatel-Lucent Asia-Pacific
  Deployment of next-generation network infrastructure using innovations for cost effective uptake of 
      broadband in urban areas  [presentation]
      Mr. Angus Davis, Chief Strategy Officer, CCI Family of Companies, USA  

Coffee break hosted by MICT Thailand

Session 6: Development of Broadband Access and Adoption of Broadband

Session 6 will present ways of implementation of projects/initiatives on development of broadband access and adoption of broadband under the regional initiatives approved by WTCD-14. In particular, the Session will identify potential partners and details of expected results. The objective of the initiative is to assist the ITU Member States of the Asia-Pacific region for development of broadband access in urban and rural areas and to support system construction to resolve social issues leveraging the benefits of telecommunication/ICT applications.

Session Chairperson: Ms. Suvi Linden, Former Special Envoy for the Broadband Commission for Digital Development [presentation]

  National broadband policies to meet the requirements of developing countries  [presentation]   
      Mr. Kiyoung Ko, Head of the Global ICT Policy and Investment Unit, Korea Telecom, R.O. Korea
  Development of telecommunication/ICT applications that can support multilingualism and address
needs  [presentation]
      Mr. Eric Stephens, Chief Technology Officer, Public Sector Asia-Pacific, Microsoft
  Turning mobile growth into broadband success: Case Study of Pakistan  [presentation]
      Dr. Syed Ismail Shah, Chairman, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, Pakistan
  Making Transportation Smarter – Case Study Bangkok  [presentation]
      Mr. Chris Zull, Spectrum Director, Asia Pacific
  Deployment of cost-effective e health services in rural and remote areas, thereby reducing
      operational and 
administrative costs  [presentation]
      Dr. Nizam Uddin Ahmed, CEO, Ethics Advanced Technology Ltd Bangladesh
  Developing e-Agriculture Strategies in Asia-Pacific  [presentation]
      Mr. Gerard Sylvester, Knowledge and Information Management Officer, Food and Agriculture Organisation of
      the United Nations (FAO)

Lunch hosted by MICT Thailand

Session 7: Policy and Regulation 

Session 7 will present ways of implementation of the projects/initiatives on policy and regulation under the regional initiatives approved by WTDC-14. In particular, the Session will identify potential partners and details of expected results. The objective of the initiative is to assist the ITU Member States from Asia-Pacific region in developing appropriate policy and regulatory frameworks, enhancing skills, increasing information sharing and strengthening regulatory institutions and cooperation. The session includes discussion on the WTDC-14 priority area of Programme 1 i.e Spectrum Management.

Session Chairperson: Ms. Clare Chapple, Policy and Strategy, Digital Innovation Branch, Digital Productivity Division, Department of Communications, Australia 

  Development of appropriate policy, regulatory and legislative frameworks relating to the regional
      initiatives  [presentation]
      Dr. Kan Channmeta, Secretary of State, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Kingdom of Cambodia
  Preparing for the Changing Rules of the Game  [presentation]
      Dr Syed Ismail Shah, Chairman, Pakistan Telecom Authority (PTA), Pakistan
  Forging Public-Private Partnerships in ICT Development  [presentation]
      Mr. Louis Napoleon Casambre, Undersecretary, Information and Communication Technology Office,
      Department of Science and Technology, Philippines  

Session 8: Digital Financial Inclusion

Session 8 will discuss the opportunities, challenges and opportunities on Digital Financial Inclusion 

Session Chairperson: Mr. Ilyas Ahmed, Chief Executive, Communications Authority of Maldives

  Promoting Digital Financial Inclusion through Partnerships, Interoperability and Security
      Mr. Sashi Raghunandan, Vice President, Mobile Money and Personal Payment Solutions, MasterCard
  Developing an m-Commerce Ecosystem for Financial Empowerment and Inclusion  [presentation]
      Mr. Theo Cosmora, Founder & CEO, SocialEco Ltd., United Kingdom
  Innovative Financial Inclusion Policy and Regulatory Solutions  [presentation]
      Mr. Sacha Polverini, Senior Programme Officer, BILL & MELINDA GATES Foundation  

Coffee break hosted by MICT Thailand

Roundtable: Implementation of the Regional Initiatives and Implementation of Connect Asia-Pacific Summit 2013 in the context of Smartly Digital Asia-Pacific

Session Chairperson:
Mr.Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

ITU Presentation

Outcome of the Asia-Pacific RDF 2015

Closing Session

    Closing Remarks by Mrs Songporn Komolsuradej, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and 
        Communication Technology, Thailand [SPEECH]
    Closing Remarks by Mr. Brahima Sanou, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU