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Regional Forum on Optimization and Efficient Use of Spectrum

Statistics Workshop


The Regional Forum on Optimization and Efficient Use of Spectrum that will take place at the Cancun, Mexico on July 13th 2015.This event will be held back to back with the ITU Regional Development Forum for the Americas Region (RDF) and altogether with the III Latin-American Telecommunications Congress (CLT 2015) ( ).


The Forum on Optimization and Efficient Use of Spectrum will be conducted in Spanish and English, with simultaneous interpretation.   Please note that the meeting will be paperless. No participation fee is required for this event. To participate, please register online using the link available at no later than 30 June 2015.


The rapid growth of wireless services is stressing the radio spectrum and pressures Governments to accelerate regulatory decisions in order to ensure its efficient use. In this scenario ITU provides an open and transparent forum for interested parties to make their proposals and seek coordinated solutions.

The use and efficient management of radio spectrum stands as a key step in reducing the gap in access to the knowledge society. Consequently, this Forum is in line with the objectives of the ITU Development Bureau (BDT) and, in particular, with the Regional Initiative for the Americas aimed to assist Member States in spectrum management issues.


Authorities and professionals from Administrations of ITU Member States; Regulators; ITU-D Sector Members, Associates and Academia; Regional Organizations in the Americas Region

Organizers & Partners
