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ITU Regional Seminar on Spectrum Management and Digital Broadcasting Transition

sm4dc.jpgITU Regional Seminar on Spectrum Management and Digital Broadcasting Transition

St. Vincent and the Grenadines (29 April - 3 May) 


This seminar follows the Regional Workshop and Frequency Coordination Meeting on the Transition to Digital Terrestrial Television and the Digital Dividend held in Barbados in May of 2012. It focuses on Spectrum Management & Planning, Digital Broadcasting Migration and Digital Dividend.


Please note that this programme is still a draft and will be updated.


This event is open to all relevant stakeholders (governments, regulators, broadcasters, mobile operators, etc.). The presence of national coordinators for the transition to digital terrestrial television broadcasting and the digital dividend is highly recommended during the workshop. The spectrum seminar is primarily intended for experts in the domain of broadcasting and/or mobile frequency planning.


For further information, please contact:
Cleveland Thomas, ITU Area Office Representative for the Caribbean (E-mail:; Tel: +246 431 0343)
(Focal point contacts are provided in the Information Note)