Plenipotentiary Conference 1998 -- Minneapolis USA

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Provisional draft PP-98 Timetable

Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
  a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.
12-18 Oct PL PL1) PL PL 5 5 5-->2 5 PL
            7 6-->3 7 6  
19-25 Oct 5 52) PL3) 6* PL4) 5* PL5) 5* 5 6
  7 62)   7*   7*   6* 7 7
26 Oct-
1 Nov
PL6) 6 5 7 PL 57) 7 58) 6-->2 68)
    7 6 6   77) 6 6 7-->3 78)
2-6 Nov PL9) PL PL PL8) PL10)
Explanatory notes
PL = Plenary
1 = Steering (as appropriate)
2 = Credentials
3 = Budget Control
4 = Editorial (as appropriate)
5 = Strategic Policy and Plans
6 = CS/CV
7 = Management of the Union
1) Opening ceremony
2) Deadline for candidatures for Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General, Directors of the Bureaux, Members of the Council
3) Election of SG followed by C7
4) Election of DSG
5) Election of Bureau Directors followed by C6
6) Election of Members of the Council
7) Deadline for candidatures for RRB
8) Final
9) Election of members of RRB
10) Signature and Close
* Followed by the Plenary, if needed.
NOTE - Additional sessions may be scheduled, as appropriate, to complete the work.

Produced by ITU Press & Public Information Service

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