During the period from 3 October 2024 to 10 February 2025, all WSIS stakeholders are invited to submit WSIS related projects to the WSIS Prize 2025 contest.
The list of nominated projects will be announced on 14 March 2025 and WSIS stakeholders will be invited to participate and cast their vote by 14 April 2025.
18 winning projects will be announced together with 72 champion projects at the WSIS Prize 2025 Ceremony at the WSIS+20 High-Level Event 2025 (8 Jul).
Eighth edition of the contestThe WSIS Prizes contest was developed in response to requests from the WSIS stakeholders to create an effective mechanism to evaluate projects and activities that leverage the power of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to advance sustainable development. Since its inception, the contest of WSIS Prizes has attracted more than 300,000 stakeholders.
Following the outcomes of the United Nations General Assembly Overall Review on WSIS (Res. A/70/125) that called for a close alignment between the WSIS Process and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Res. A/70/1), the WSIS Prizes is the unique global platform to identify and showcase success stories in the implementation of the WSIS Action Lines and SDGs.