
Montbrillant Building, Ground Floor

The WSIS Forum 2015 Exhibition is a multi-stakeholder event which gathers exhibitors from Civil Society, Academia, International Organizations, Private Sector, and Government. Reflecting the WSIS Forum 2015 spirit, this event provides a platform to exhibitors from all over the world to share global initiatives for a more effective and impactful Information Society. The objective of the Exhibition is to stimulate interactions between all the participants.

Exhibitors will display projects implementing the WSIS Action lines and will showcase innovation. Several initiatives in areas ranging from e-governance; inclusive access; e-education; as well as development will be displayed throughout the various stands. Ultimately, the main purpose of the Exhibition is to provide all WSIS Forum 2015 participants with an opportunity to network and to learn and share knowledge about their WSIS related projects and activities

The launch of the Exhibition will kick off at the Inauguration Ceremony. The Ceremony will start with the traditional ribbon cutting procedure, in the presence of ITU Secretary-General, Mr. Houlin Zhao. The ribbon cutting will be followed by a tour of the entire Exhibition space and coffee sponsored by the WSIS Forum 2015 Strategic Partner Platinum: United Arab Emirates (UAE).



exhibitor logo Arianous ICTD
exhibitor logo Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID)
exhibitor logo Datamation Foundation Trust
exhibitor logo DiploFoundation
exhibitor logo Globethics.net Foundation
exhibitor logo Health and Environment Program
exhibitor logo Hungary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
exhibitor logo ICANN
exhibitor logo Intel Corporation
exhibitor logo Information Technology Organization of Iran
exhibitor logo Internet Watch Foundation
exhibitor logo IoT Lab
exhibitor logo Japan
exhibitor logo Kuwait (State of)
exhibitor logo Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)
exhibitor logo SEMANTIS
exhibitor logo United Arab Emirates
exhibitor logo World Summit Award

* WSIS Forum 2015 Partner

WSIS Forum 2015 | Innovating Together: Enabling ICTs for Sustainable Development
25–29 May 2015, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland