Page 12 - Policy benchmarks for digital transformation of people-centred cities
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rapid pace of technological advancements, it is crucial to evaluate the impacts and implications
            of policies continuously to effectively achieve people-centricity, inclusive equitable lifestyles, and

            1.3     Why do we need a Dynamic Policy Maturity Benchmark Model?

            In the digital century, policy benchmarking needs to be intelligently revised, updated, and timely
            applied to advance digital technology and services and to achieve the targets contained in
            Sustainable Development Goal 11. This opens the door for the development of time-sensitive
            new policy iterations. Therefore, a dynamic mechanism of benchmarking is needed to continuously
            assess technology evolution and its impact on the community, services, and ecosystem.

            There are three pillars of dynamic evaluation and stress-testing of policies in terms of:

            •  Dynamic KPIs (collection, measurement and display)
            •  Dynamic Policy (benchmark, update & draft new ones)

            •  Dynamic Maturity & Sustainable Transformation (leverage, enhancement & update)

            In order to ensure the delivery of objectives  (Equity & Human Rights, Inclusion & Participation,
            Sustainability & Transformation, and Net Zero) of a people-centric sustainable digitalization of cities
            according to the UN Habitat and New Urban Agenda,  we are introducing the Dynamic Policy
            Maturity Benchmarks Model (Figure 1).

            This benchmarking model delivers five distinctive interactive assessment blocks and offers insights

            •  Identification of Digital Innovation (Technologies and/or Services): Interventions and impacts
                generated by digital innovation

            •  Dynamic Maturity Component Assessment: Assessment of Digital Maturity of a variety of policy
                levels and their related components

            •  Evaluation of Dynamic KPIs and Thresholds: Measurement and update of KPIs thresholds and/
                or the introduction of new indicators

            •  Identification of impacted Components and Policies: Introduction of new policies, or update
                existing ones to mitigate impacted components

            •  Dynamic Policy Benchmark Cycle: Update & introduction of new KPIs, maturity assessments,
                and policies enabling a sustainable transformation process

            2   UN Habitat Goals and Strategies
            3   New Urban Agenda

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