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Сектор радиосвязи (МСЭ-R)  

17/06/24 - UAE contribution to enhance global frequency management
07/06/24 - После ВКР-23: Рост подвижной связи и защита научных служб в Северной и Южной Америке
24/05/24 - После ВКР-23: Проложить путь для расширения возможности установления соединений в Африке
06/03/24 - Итоги Всемирной конференции радиосвязи 2023 года
13/02/24 - Всемирный день радио: радиовещание начинает свое второе столетие
15/12/23 - World Radiocommunication Conference revises the ITU Radio Regulations to support spectrum sharing and technological innovation
01/12/23 - ITU advances the development of IMT-2030 for 6G mobile technologies
23/11/23 - Advancing collective action on gender equity in radiocommunications
20/11/23 - ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 addresses future of space-, sea- and land-based radiocommunications
19/10/23 - МСЭ удостоен премии "Эмми" за стандарт HDR-TV
04/10/23 - Справочник по малым спутникам
15/08/23 - МСЭ получил премию ";Эмми"; в области технологий и инженерии 2023 года за свою Рекомендация МСЭ-R BT.2100
21/07/23 - The Artemis era: A new phase in human lunar exploration
11/07/23 - The BR IFIC celebrates the 3000th edition of terrestrial and space frequency information
23/06/23 - Protecting seafarers and safeguarding the marine environment
06/06/23 - ITU News Magazine – Land, sea and airwaves
05/04/23 - Future Radio Exhibition
30/03/23 - ITU News Magazine – The future of Coordinated Universal Time
30/03/23 - ITU проводит выставку Future Radio в Женеве
13/02/23 - Вещательное радио: самый надежный способ передачи информации о стихийных бедствиях
23/01/23 - Countdown to WRC-23 (ITU News Magazine No. 1, 2023)
07/12/22 - Распределение частот и совместное использование спектра стали главными темами повестки дня в преддверии Всемирной конференцией радиосвязи 2023 года
16/11/22 - Сети космического и воздушного базирования имеют ключевое значение для охвата 2,7 миллиарда человек во всем мире, которые все еще не имеют соединения
31/10/22 - Всемирный семинар по радиосвязи показывает, как Регламент радиосвязи МСЭ способствует развитию связи в глобальном масштабе
30/09/22 - ITU and UAE sign host country agreement for 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference in Dubai
29/07/22 - Space monitoring at the core of ITU Radiocommunication activities
21/07/22 - UAE to host next year’s World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) in Dubai
09/02/22 - ITU and space: Ensuring interference-free satellite orbits in LEO and beyond
09/02/22 - Another step towards FM radio expansion in Africa
31/01/22 - Новые частоты ЧМ-диапазона для расширения охвата радиовещания в Африке
26/10/21 - Asia-Pacific implements radiocommunication updates
25/10/21 - Next World Radiocommunication Conference on track for 2023
14/10/21 - Radio Regulations Navigation Tool
30/09/21 - World Maritime Day: Keeping seafarers safe and connected
02/08/21 - Women leading in radiocommunications and space
07/06/21 - Rules of Procedure 2021
19/05/21 - Эффективное управление использованием радиочастотного спектра имеет определяющее значение для получения преимуществ
10/04/21 - Network of Women for WRC-23
15/02/21 - ITU News Magazine - World Radio Day 2021
18/01/21 - ITU News Magazine - Space science for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
14/12/20 - ITU World Radiocommunication Seminar focuses on regulatory aspects of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbit use
01/12/20 - ITU launches updated versions of the Maritime Manual and the Table of Frequency Allocations Software
01/12/20 - How the ITU Maritime Manual helps mariners navigate the complex world of radiocommunication
30/11/20 - Why this year’s World Radiocommunication Seminar plenary is open to everyone
30/11/20 - NOW4WRC23: Inspiring a new generation of women in radiocommunications
26/11/20 - ITU completes evaluation for global affirmation of IMT-2020 technologies
05/10/20 - World Space Week: How ITU improves life on Earth by supporting satellites
24/09/20 - World Maritime Day 2020: ??????????BR Director explains how ITU Radio Regulations support and enhance safety and security in the maritime sector
15/09/20 - The 2020 edition of the ITU Radio Regulations is now available in all six official UN languages!
08/06/20 - Advancing the implementation of the WRC-19 Declaration on Gender
17/04/20 - World Amateur Radio Day – Why World Amateur Radio Day is key to highlight crucial services
31/03/20 - Заключительные акты ВКР-19 теперь доступны в онлайновой форме для загрузки
13/02/20 - World Radio Day - Here’s how the diversity of radio services improves lives worldwide
22/11/19 - ITU World Radiocommunication Conference agrees key parameters for future communication technologies - High-speed, super-reliable, broadband connectivity enabled with 5G mobile, next-generation satellites and high altitude aerial stations
20/11/19 - ITU World Radiocommunication Conference adopts new regulatory procedures for non-geostationary satellites - Multiple satellite mega-constellations in low-Earth orbit to provide extensive global telecommunications coverage
19/11/19 - Declaration on Promoting Gender Equality, Equity and Parity in the ITU Radiocommunication Sector - World Radiocommunication Conference recognizes need to accelerate efforts
18/11/19 - ITU World Radiocommunication Conference wraps up - Press conference on agreements on future communication technologies
05/09/19 - Media registration opens for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19)
04/09/19 - ITU Inter-regional workshop focuses on preparations for World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19)
05/07/19 - Welcome to ‘Next-Generation Audio’: ITU launches a new Recommendation for Advanced Sound Systems
04/07/19 - The future of sound: ITU to host new demo on ‘Next Generation Audio’
21/06/19 - Region of CIS and neighbouring countries meet to consider developments in radio spectrum management
03/06/19 - African Region prepares for World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19)
29/05/19 - ITU launches new report on artificial intelligence (AI) in broadcasting
26/03/19 - МСЭ публикует новый отчет о подготовительных исследованиях к Всемирной конференции радиосвязи 2019 года (ВКР 19)
27/02/19 - Media Advisory – CPM19-2 Closing Press Briefing
25/02/19 - ITU prepares for World Radiocommunication Conference 2019
13/02/19 - ITU Celebrates #WorldRadioDay 2019
12/02/19 - Monitoring our changing planet – Critical spectrum for Earth observation from space
(ITU News Magazine edition 2019-1)
14/01/19 - Inauguration ceremony for new ITU top management, ITU, Geneva, 16 January 2019
07/12/18 - В Женеве прошел Всемирный семинар по радиосвязи 2018 года
30/11/18 - International experts discuss interference-free satellite services at ITU Satellite Symposium
21/11/18 - Благодаря разрабатываемым МСЭ технологическим спецификациям зрительное восприятие телевизионных изображений выйдет на качественно новый уровень
05/11/18 - PP-18: Elections completed for ITU Council and Radio Regulations Board
02/11/18 - PP-18: Elections completed for all top five management positions at ITU
11/10/18 - ITU Celebrates World Space Week 2018 ‘Space Unites the World’ #WSW2018
28/09/18 - Spectrum Management for Digital Transformation discussed in the Americas
19/09/18 - ITU meeting finalizes the coordination process for the transition from analog to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in Central America and the Caribbean region
09/08/18 - New Report ITU-R BT.2420 describes Advanced Immersive Audio-Visual systems norms and standards for the future digital society
30/07/18 - Future spectrum requirements for radiocommunication systems focus of regional ITU seminar - Challenges and opportunities for industry and stakeholders in Asia-Pacific identified
08/06/18 - Future spectrum requirements for the digital economy - Latest technologies and trends for modern radiocommunication ecosystems
28/09/17 - UAE hosts ITU’s first 5G mobile task group meeting in the Middle East
19/09/17 - Successful conclusion for the ITU Regional Radiocommunication Seminar for the Americas 2017
06/09/17 - ITU meeting facilitates the process of transition from analog to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in the Central America and the Caribbean region
01/08/17 - Директор Бюро радиосвязи МСЭ открыл новый престижный модуль Летней школы "Космические телекоммуникации"
14/06/17 - ITU International Satellite Symposium strengthens space development and sustainability in Americas region
06/04/17 - Коммюнике: Особое внимание – управлению использованием спектра в Африканском регионе
01/11/16 - ITU Radio Regulations (edition of 2016)
20/11/15 - WRC-15 Newsroom
22/10/15 - ITU News Special Edition on WRC-15
22/06/15 - Follow ITU-R on Twitter
19/06/15 - ITU defines vision and roadmap for 5G mobile development
17/06/15 - Deadline reached for switchover from analogue to digital TV for 119 countries in Europe, Africa, Middle East and Central Asia
01/06/15 - Симпозиум МСЭ знаменует переход от налогового к цифровому телевидению


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Обновлено : 2014-08-13