Subject: UN strategic planning network
This is the mailing list for the United Nations Strategic Planning Network - UNSPN. It is administrated by the International Telecommunications Union, in Geneva.The UNSPN is set up as an informal network of units with the main responsibility for strategic planning and results based management in each UN organization (taken here to mean the multiple organizational forms in the UN systems- funds, programmes, specialized agencies, UN Secretariat departments and affiliated organizations).
The 11th meeting took place in Nairobi, in December 2019, organized by UNEP. Sarah LOTFI (IOM) took over as co-Chair and Ebrahim Gora (UNEP) was confirmed as co-Chair for a second year. .
Promote innovation and joint initiatives
Encourage common UN application of practices
Facilitate partnerships and capacity development including training initiatives
Explore mechanisms to provide strategic thinking on UN wide planning issues
Working Modalities
Chair: Chairpersonship will be by rotation among members.
Secretariat: The Secretariat will be housed by one or several agencies and will support the Chair(s) by rotation among members.
Duration/Rotations: The Chair/Secretariat will be for a one year term and rotation will be at annual meeting of the network.
Work-Plan and deliverables: The annual meeting will explore a thematic area (of common interest/priority among UN partners) to bring together experience sharing and facilitate strategic thinking in the particular area.
Communications/webpage: A membership e-group and fileshare and/or web space for the SPN will be developed & updated regularly. This will provide information on events, database of key documents and serve as the knowledge sharing platform
Expected Contributions
All members are encouraged and expected to contribute to joint activities . The success of UNSPN depends on the contributions of its members through expertise, and time commitments for activities (as agreed under the annual plan). Members will provide financial support for consultancy work in agreed joint initiatives as necessary