Page 3 - U4SSC City Snapshot, Aukra, Norway, April 2021
P. 3

City Profile

             Inhabitants          City GDP           Inflation Rate        Households           Household
                3 509          NOK 1 599 074 478          2.2 %                1 462
                                                                                                NOK 710 000


               61 km 2

        Performance to Benchmarks — Key Performance Indicators
        Dimensions, Categories & KPIs

                                                                       Wireless Broadband Coverage 4G
                                                                 Household Internet Access Fixed Broadband Subscriptions Wireless Broadband Subscription Wireless Broadband Coverage 3G Availability of WIFI in Public Areas
                                                                            Water Supply ICT Monitoring
                                                                          Smart Water Meters
                                                                                   Drainage / Storm Water System ICT Monitoring
                                                                             Basic Water Supply
                                                                                 Wastewater Collection
                                                                                Water Supply Loss
                                                                                  Household Sanitation
                                                            Transportation Fatalities
                                                         Fire Service
                                                          Violent Crime Rate
                                                               Local Food Production
                                                      Police Service
                                                 Emergency Service Response Time
                                                 At Risk Population
                                                                                     Electricity Supply ICT Monitoring
                                                Resilience Plans
                                          Disaster Related Economic Losses
                                        Natural Disaster Related Deaths
                                        Child Care Availability
                                                                                      Demand Response Penetration
                                       Voter Participation
                                                                                       Electricity System Outage Frequency
                                                                   ICT        Potable Water Supply Smart Electricity Meters
                                     Gini Coe cient
                                 Gender Income Equity
                                Housing Expenditure
                                                                    Water and Sanitation  Drainage  Electricity System Outage Time
                              Informal Settlements
                            Cultural Infrastructure
                                                              Food Security
                            Cultural Expenditure
                                                                                        Dynamic Public Transport Information
                                                                                        Access to Electricity
                         In-Patient Hospital Beds
                       Health Insurance Coverage
                                                Social Inclusion
                      Maternal Mortality Rate
                                                                                         Intersection Control
                          Life Expectancy
                                         Health                          Electricity Supply  Tra c Monitoring
                    Electronic Health Records
                          Adult Literacy                                                 Public Transit Network
                   Higher Education Degrees                                               Public Transit Network Convenience
                       School Enrollment  Education                                Environment              Society   Bicycle Network
                       Students ICT Access                 Aukra   Economy    Transport   Private Vehicles
              Public Building Energy Consumption  Energy                                 Public Transport
            Residential Thermal Energy Consumption  Public Space and Nature              Cycling
                     Electricity Consumption
                 Renewable Energy Consumption  Environmental Quality      Public Service  Travel Time Index
                        Recreational Facilities
                            Protected Areas
                        Green Area Accessibility   Other  Waste  Water and Sanitation  Air Quality  Urban Planning  Buildings  Waste  Innovation  e- Government
                               Green Areas
                                                                                       Shared Bicycles
                              ExposureTo Noise
                                                                                       Shared Vehicles
                                EMF Exposure
                                                                                     Open data
                                                                                    Open data
                                      Open Dump
                                           Land ll
                                       WastewaterTreated: Tertiary Fresh Water Consumption Water Consumption Water Quality GHG Emissions AirPollution O3  AirPollution SO2  AirPollution NO2  AirPollution PM10  Pedestrian Infrastructure  Public Building Sustainability  Youth Unemployment Rate
                                                                                      Low-Carbon Emission Passenger Vehicles
                                        WastewaterTreated: Secondary
                                            WastewaterTreated: Primary
                                                                                 R&D expenditure
                                                                                  Public Sector e-Procurement
                                                                             Unemployment Rate
                                                                       Solid Waste Collection
                                                                              Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
                                                                         ICT Industry Employment
                                                                          Tourism Industry Employment
                                                                    Integrated Building Management Systems
           95%+ Target        66–95% of Target        33–66% of Target  AirPollution PM2.5 Urban Development and Spatial Planning
           Less than 33%  of Target        No Data or No Target        Data Reported, No Targets Yet Available
        Performance Benchmark Targets apply to all sections of the graphic.
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