Page 77 - ITUJournal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1
P. 77

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

                                       Fig. 15 – Impact of soft idle timeout on control‑plane overhead.

          packet drop of 0.19% and 0.53% (respectively) before  algorithms,  namely Silhouette and Gap Statistics
          switch‑to‑controller placement balancing, and 0.14%  algorithms were applied to optimize the number of
          and 0.07% (respectively) after switch‑to‑controller  controllers to deploy in a given topology. Given the fact
          placement balancing.                                 that network operators are more concerned about the
                                                               cost associated with network deployment, this study also
          Fig. 15 depicts the impact of tuning the soft idle timeout  takes into consideration the trade‑off between the cost
          and polling frequency on control‑plane overhead. The  of installing a new SDN controller and performance. This
          results indicate that, increasing the polling frequency and  is necessary to facilitate decision making regarding the
          soft idle timeout decreases the number of control packets  number of controllers to deploy, based on performance
          (synonymous with control‑plane overhead) generated   requirements and cost constraints. To determine the
          during reactive  low instantiation. However, from 20  optimal locations to install the controllers, a classical
          seconds forward, the number of control packets remains  algorithm called PAM was used. The applied algorithms
          constant. Therefore, we can conclude that con iguring  are exhaustive making them ideal for static controller
          the polling interval and idle timeout to 20 seconds  placement with minimal to no time constraints.  In
          would be the suf icient choice to achieve an acceptable  order to mimic a real SDN deployment and also to
          control overhead and a potentially lower switch memory  verify the outcome from our mathematical model,
          utilization. Increasing the timeout beyond 20 seconds  we use exhaustive search on an emulator to address
          would not change the load on the control channel but will  the controller placement problem.  This approach
          potentially lead to a higher memory utilization.     also takes into account resiliency and control‑plane
                                                               overhead metrics.  We use the ONOS SDN controller
          8.  SOURCE CODES                                     due to its inherent self‑coordinating distributed core.
                                                               Our emulation results show that running a single
          The  source  codes  for  the  proposed   solution    controller yields high reaction times as some switches
          have  been  made   publicly  available  on  Github,
                                                               are located too far away from the controller. Moreover,
          a world’s leading code repository.   The source
                                                               running a single controller is not enough to meet
          codes  can   be   downloaded   from   this  link:
                                                               resiliency requirements. When the number of controllers
                                                               was increased to two, the reaction time was reduced
                                                               considerably since the network was subdivided into two
          9.  CONCLUSION                                       administrative domains. Moreover, the two controllers
                                                               worked collaboratively to alleviate control overhead
          This study considers determining the number and
          location of SDN controllers in a wide area network,  and ensure resiliency in the network. Leveraging our
          and associated performance and cost implications and  controller placement results as well as balancing the
          is intended to be used to address the SDN controller  switch‑to‑controller placement, we also investigated
          placement problem. The work is applied to a national  the impact of soft idle timeout and polling frequency on
          network from a developing country, SANReN. The work  control‑plane overhead. Our  indings suggested that a
          includes mathematical modelling and a method for     large soft idle timeout and polling frequency reduces
          obtaining the results through emulation on a popular  the overall control‑plane overhead. In reading the above
          controller suitable for real world deployments.  The  conclusions, it should be noted that the solution to the
          emulation con irmed the modelling and is also used   controller placement problem is topology dependent
          to derive important practical limits.  The modelling  and thus the results presented by this work only apply
          included Silhouette, Gap and PAM approaches. Using   to the SANReN topology studied. However, the proposed
          graph modelling, two ”unsupervised” machine learning  approach is “protocol” agnostic and can be adopted

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