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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

          where  low setup time is the total amount of time taken by  3.2 Contribution
          the controller to install a  low instruction on the switch’s
           low table. The authors argue that dynamic controller  From the state‑of‑the‑art review, it is apparent that most
          placement is necessary to help reduce  low setup time.  studies (with the exception of the work by Sallahi et al.
          The results from this work reveal that, for low  low  [20]) assume the number of controllers to be known in
          densities, dynamic controller placement can reduce the  advance. However, the model proposed by Sallahi et
           low setup time by up to 50% in comparison with static  al. is ideal to plan a small–scale SDN and runs out of
          controller placement. However, for high  low densities,  memory when solving larger instances. Moreover, most
          static controller placement produced better results.  studies relied on heuristic algorithms to reduce algorithm
                                                               runtime.  However, this is achieved at the expense
                                                               of solution accuracy.  To the best of our knowledge,
                                                               the only research studies that implement exhaustive
          As demonstrated by Heller et al. [8], Hock et al. [22] and  algorithms are by Heller et al.  [8] and Tanha et al.
          Wendong et al. [21], there exists a signi icant trade‑off  [9].  Both Heller et al.  and Tanha et al.  propose
          between load balancing, reliability (also known as   the use of k‑center to solve the controller placement
          resiliency) and latency. Therefore it is almost impossible  problem. However, k‑center is sensitive to outliers and
          to optimize one objective without sacri icing the other.  does not always consistently yield accurate results [27].
          This study attempts to address the controller placement  Perhaps more importantly, there is currently no analysis
          problem in consideration of switch‑to‑controller latency  of the controller placement problem purely using an
          metric.  This metric has emerged as an important     emulation platform to mimic a real SDN deployment.
          QoS determinant in SDN. This is primarily because the  Most studies relied on mathematical modelling to address
          communication between the controller and data‑plane  the controller placement problem, making it dif icult to
          has to be seamless to ensure an accurate view of the  verify validity and reliability of the results.
          network state and prompt data‑plane  low installations.
                                                               Controller placement is a network planning problem,
                                                               and is normally not time sensitive.  Consequently,
          Table 1 provides a summary of the state of the art in  this study proposes exhaustive algorithms to optimize
          research pertaining to SDN controller placement.     solution accuracy. In order to  ind the best locations

                                      Table 1 – Classi ication of existing controller placement solutions

              Solution     Topology(s)  Scale of Network  Environment  Algorithm(s)     Placement Metric(s)
                                                                                    average switch–to–controller latency
            Heller et al. [8]  Internet2 OS3E  Large–scale  Static   k–center                                 No
                                                                                        worst–case latency
                                          Small and
             Hu et al.[11]  Internet2 OS3E              Static       l–w greedy            Reliability        No
                            ATT NA                                  Capacitated       switch–to–controller latency
            Tanha et al. [9]              Large‑scale   Static                                                No
                            PSINET                                   k‑center              Reliability
                                                                      Linear          switch–to–controller latency
             Yao et al. [14]  Internet Zoo  Large–scale  Dynamic                                              No
                                                                     relaxation           Load balancing
            Jimenez et al. [15]  Medium  Large–scale   Dynamic       k–critical           Load balancing      Yes
                                                                                      switch–to–controller latency
             Bari et al. [16]  RF‑I      Large–scale   Dynamic       DCP‑GK                                   Yes
                                                                                          Load balancing
                                                                                      switch–to–controller latency
            Jourjon et al. [17]  Not discussed  Large–scale  Dynamic  LiDy+                                   Yes
                                                                                          Load balancing
                                                                                       inter–controller latency
            Sanner et al. [18]  Internet2 OS3E  Large–scale  Dynamic  NSGA                                    Yes
                                                                                          load balancing
                         Random network                              Non–zero–
            Rath et al. [19]              small‑scale  Dynamic                            Load balancing      No
                          with 28 switches                           Sum Game
                         Random network
            Sallahi et al. [20]  with 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,  small‑scale  Dynamic  CPLEX    Load balancing      No
                        75, 100, 150 switches
                                                                                      switch–to–controller latency
           Wendong et al. [21]  Internet2 OS3E  Large–scale  Static  l–w greedy                               No
                                                                                      switch–to–controller latency
            Hock et al. [22]  Internet2 OS3E  Small and medium–sized  Static  POCO         Reliability        No
                                                                                          Load balancing
                                                                                      switch–to–controller latency
                          Internet2 OS3E                             Simulated
            Lange et al. [23]            Large–scale   Dynamic                             Reliability        No
                           Internet Zoo                              Annealing
                                                                                          Load balancing
                                                                                      switch–to–controller latency
                             Ring                                    No speci ic
            Ksentini et al.[24]          Large–scale    Static                         Inter–controller latency  Yes
                           Binary Tree                                name
                                                                                          Load balancing
                                                               Partition Around Medoids (PAM)  average switch–to–controller latency
                                                                    Gap Statistics      worst–case latency
          Mamushiane et al.[25]  SANReN   Small‑scale   Static    Silhouette Analysis  switch‑to‑controller balancing  Yes
                                                                  Johnson’s Algorithm  propagation +queuing + processing latency
                                                                     Emulation          signalling overhead
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