Page 114 - ITUJournal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1
P. 114

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

                    Fig. 10 – Packet Delivery Ratio per node.             Fig. 11 – Energy consumption per RAT.
          works, multi‐hop networks...). In our scenario, nodes are  11.  EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
          deployed throughout a  ield used for cultivating crops.
          The simulated setup is illustrated in Fig. 9. Five nodes  Topology and Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) are measured.
          monitor environmental metrics useful for farmers. Nodes  Nodes transmit at an interval randomly picked in [2; 4]
          have to of load numerical data on a regular basis while  seconds. We consider a population of 20 experiments
          saving up power. They may have to send an alarm if a  lasting 10 minutes each. A small population is suf icient
          metric becomes off chart, putting the crops at risk (e.g.,  because of the low standard deviation. Longer experi‐
          temperature).                                        ments are not relevant because the network stabilizes af‐
                                                               ter a few messages have been exchanged. We do not di‐
          Out of the  ive RATs available on FiPy, we are using WiFi,  rectly compare RODENT’s results to related works as the
          LoRa and BLE in this scenario. Sigfox and LTE‐M/NB‐IoT  heavy difference between proposals makes it irrelevant,
          are not open technologies, so we could not use them di‐  and increased  lexibility cannot be measured. In this sec‐
          rectly. LoRa and BLE links are more interesting in terms  tion we present the results obtained.
          of energetic savings than WiFi. Each node (    ) is in a dif‐
          ferent situation.   1 is the control node, it only has a WiFi  11.1 Topology
          link with the WiFi BS.   2 can reach the WiFi BS and ben‐
          e its from the LoRa link when RODENT is active.   3 has  With the use of RODENT, the MTN’s topology changes.   1
          to choose between reaching the WiFi BS directly at a high  does not change its link because it can only reach the WiFi
          energy cost or forwarding its data to its neighbor   1 via a  BS.   2 uses the LoRa link instead of the WiFi link, because
          BLE link.   4 needs to be able to send regular monitoring  it costs less energy.   3 decides to use the BLE link to of‐
          data as well as alarms, via WiFi or LoRa.   5 is an isolated   load its data to   1, which in turn forwards it to the WiFi
          node, deployed too far away to directly communicate with  BS.   4 of loads its monitoring data to the LoRa BS, to re‐
          the WiFi BS. Farms are usually located in wide rural en‐  duce energy consumption compared to WiFi. It can still
          vironments, unfriendly to wireless waves because of tall  use the WiFi link to forward alarms that needs a quicker
          crops (e.g., corn). Thus white zones and isolated nodes  RAT at the expense of a higher energy cost.   5 is not iso‐
          are common. Using RODENT,   5 can forward its data to  lated anymore, as it forwards its data to   4 through LoRa
          its neighbor   4 using LoRa.                         which will of load it to the LoRa BS in turn.
          We run three types of experiments. First, RODENT is not  11.2 Packet Delivery Ratio
          active and nodes only use WiFi links, depicted in blue in
          Fig. 9. Second, RODENT is active, which allows nodes to  The Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) is the ratio between the
          switch to LoRa and BLE links, depicted in red and green  total packets received and the total packets sent. The
          in Fig. 9. Third, RODENT is active, each LoRa message is  PDR of every node taking part in the MTN is depicted in
          sent two times and each BLE message is sent three times,  Fig. 10 along with its standard deviation.   1’s PDR does
          which increases the network’s reliability. A video of an  not change, as its route remains the same. Without RO‐
          experiment running is available online .             DENT,   5’s PDR is null as the node is isolated and can‐
                                                               not of load a single data packet. The PDR of   2,   4 and
                                                                 5 is around 80% with RODENT which allows them to
                                                               use LoRa. It is not the same as WiFi because of frequent
          1  collisions, as nodes do not use a proper MAC.   3’s PDR
          rodent.mp4                                           is around 60% with RODENT. The node forwards its data

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