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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

          Thus,    =     /  . Substituting this    into (70) implies that  Since    ∈   , by (55),    is upper‑bounded on   . This, (14)
                                                               and (15) imply that    > 0 for any   . Then, by (55),
                      (  ,   ) = 1/(  (1 + ℎ   /(       ))).  (74)
                                                                              ≈ 1/   for all    and small   .  (82)
          Since     ∈    , summing up (74) yields that     =                  
          ∑   ∈    1/(  (1 + ℎ   /(       ))). This and (74) yield (31),  Since    ∈   , summing up (82) by    ∈    implies that
          while (32) follows from (31) and (72).
                                                                                       ≈   /  .             (83)
          9.7 Proof of Proposition 5
                                                               Then, (82) and (83) imply (38).
          Since    ↑ ∞ there is at least one    such    ↑ ∞. Then, by  Substituting (83) into (53), by (81), implies that for small
          (54),    ↓ 0 and for large    we have that
                                                                  the following approximation holds:
                              ≈      /(ℎ   ).         (75)
                                                                                   ≈       /(ℎ   ).         (84)
          By (56), for large    we have that
                                                               This and the fact that    ∈    implies (37).
                        1/   ≈    + (ℎ /     )  .     (76)
          Thus,    ↓ 0 while    ↑ ∞. Moreover, by (75) and (76),  9.9 Proof of Proposition 7
                            /   ↓ 0 for    ↑ ∞.       (77)     Since    ∈   ,    ↑ ∞ implies that    ↑ ∞ for at least one
                                                                 . Then, by (55),    ↓ 0. Thus, by (55), for large    we have
          Then, since √1 +      ≈ 1 +     /2 for small   , (15) implies  that
                                                                                    ≈    for all   .        (85)
                     ⎢       2 + 2        +      ⎥             Taking into account that    ∈    summing up (85) yields
                     ⎢ 1   ℎ       ℎ                ⎥
                    ≈  ⎢  −                     ⎥              that    =   /  . Substituting this    into (85) implies (40).
                     ⎢               2     +  ℎ          ⎥     While substituting    =   /   into (14) and taking into ac‑
                     ⎣                          ⎦ +            count that    ↑ ∞ imply (39), and the result follows.
                   =                    −     .       (78)
                         (  /   + ℎ /(     ))         +
                                                               9.10 Proof of Proposition 8
          By (77) and (78), we have that
                                                               First prove that    cannot tend to in inity while    tends to
                           ≈       −       .          (79)     zero. Assume that    ↑ ∞. Then, by (55),    ↓ 0 where
                            ℎ        2        2  +                > 0. Thus, by (53),    ↑ ∞. So, by (14),    ↓ 0 also
                                                               for    = 0. This contradicts the fact that    ∈   . Thus,
          Let    =     /   . Substituting this    into (79) and taking     cannot tend to in inity while    ↓ 0. Then, since    ↓ 0
          into account that    ∈    imply (33) and (35).                                                     
          By (14) and (75), we have that                       while    ↓ 0, by (55), we have that
                                           ℎ                                    ≈      /(ℎ    ) for    > 0.  (86)
                              ℎ        ,    ≤         ,
                          ≈                  ℎ        (80)     While, by (53), since    ↓ 0, we have that,
                               ℎ     ,     >        2  .                            
                                                                               ≈       /(ℎ   ) for    > 0.  (87)
          Summing up (80) and taking into account that                                           
              ∈      yields the following relation:      =
                                                               By (14),    =       /(ℎ   ) for    = 0. This, (87) and the
              ∑       2    + √   ∑      2    . This allows to  fact that    ∈    implies (41).
                  ≤      ℎ    /       ℎ       >      ℎ    /      ℎ   
                                                               Substituting (87) into (86) implies (42), and the result fol‑
          de ine    /  . Substituting this    /   into (80) implies  lows.
          (34) and (36), and the result follows.
          9.8 Proof of Proposition 6                           9.11 Proof of Proposition 9
          Note that    ↓ 0 since    ↓ 0. Then, by (53),        By (8), since    ∈   , the equilibrium strategies are de ined
                                                               by ratio   /  , and the result follows.
                                  ↑ ∞.                (81)
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