Page 10 - FIGI: Security analysis of the KaiOS feature phone platform for DFS applications Security, Infrastructure and Trust Working Group
P. 10

1.2.2   Smart phones

            Smart phones are phones with an advanced set of hardware and software capabil-
            ities. Typical features are a touch screen, fingerprint readers, a hardware security
            module for storing secrets, fast and diverse data communication technology and a
            choice of millions of third-party applications.


            1.2.3   Feature phones

            Feature phones are the intermediate ground between basic and smart phones. They
            are built to be affordable but still allow the installation of third-party applications.
            They lack hardware features like a touch screen, a fingerprint reader or a hardware
            security module. Hundreds third party applications can be installed from application
            stores. Most importantly, feature phones are the cheapest way to access the Internet
            and are seen as an important tool in bridging the digital divide.
            Either feature phones can be used to access DFS by installing the corresponding app
            on the phone or accessing a web based DFS.                                    JiO phone running
                                                                                         Whatsapp on KaiOS .


            To assess the security of KaiOS for DFS, a set of   R 4.   Apps should be subjected to external secu-
            security criteria required for DFS need to be defined.   rity review and penetration testing, and any recom-
            The recommendations on DFS put forth in the report   mendations acted upon.
            on the Security Aspects of Digital Financial Services    R 5.   Apps should securely manage username
            of the ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services   and password information so that adversaries cannot
            can be used as security criteria to assess the security   easily forge credentials, and should use strong
            of KaiOS operating system. The report makes twenty   authentication mechanisms to protect against unau-
            recommendations. Below are the nine recommenda-    thorized access.
            tions specifically dealing with the operating system   R 6.   Regular security updates are critical to
            and the software architecture of a phone.          ensure  that  mobile  operating  systems  running  on
                                                               user devices operate using the latest security patch-
            R 1.    Consider the use of strong authentication   es.
            mechanisms to demonstrate ownership of the device.  R 7.   Ensure that security libraries offered by the
            R 2.    Make use of hardware and software mecha-   operating system are correctly designed and imple-
            nisms within mobile devices, such as secure elements   mented and that the cipher suites they support are
            and TEEs, which can ensure device integrity, and   sufficiently strong.
            promote the use of devices equipped with security   R 8.   The handset operating system should be
            features for use in DFS.                           configured in a way to reduce the size of the trusted
            R 3.    Whether an application is designed for     computing base.
            deployment  on  the  handset  or  secure  element,  it   R 9.   Consider transitioning away from mobile
            should be designed and implemented in accordance   applications that leverage SMS and USSD in favor of
            with best practices, including encrypted and authen-  solutions that use strong public key cryptography
            ticated communication and secure coding practices   and end-to-end security.
            to harden the app.

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