Page 177 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 177

Industry-driven digital transformation

           2.2.1  Primary screening                           3.1  Generation of a suspicious object database via
           In the preliminary screening, the visible light camera can
           monitor each person in the surveillance area and record  To establish a suspicious object database composed of various
           their facial images and related information. At the same  passive sensor images by simulation, two parameters should
           time, the W-band radars can identify whether any person  be considered.  First, we should consider the simulation
           carries a suspicious object (metal, etc.) 15 meters away.  environment of the entire system, including temperature,
           During this process, the suspicious object detection system  reflection, blur, variation, and noise. Then, the parameters of
           will automatically pair the millimeter-wave image and visible  suspicious objects should be considered, including the type,
           light image for the detected same person. If a suspicious  size, rotation, transformation, etc. To this end, we generated
           person is detected, the system will automatically track it and  44 kinds of bottles, 41 kinds of forks, 37 kinds of knives and
           send the security staff the relevant information to conduct a  45 kinds of scissors through simulation, with a total of 10516,
           secondary screening.                               9799, 8843, and 10755 samples, respectively.

           2.2.2  Secondary screening                         3.2  Generation of a suspicious object database by means
                                                                  of active/passive imagers
           In the secondary screening, a hybrid imager composed of
           active and passive imagers will be employed to identify the  In addition to simulation, we also generate real experimental
           detailed suspicious objects (knife, gun, scissors, etc.) the  images for a suspicious object database through active or
           suspicious person is holding. In this process, visible light  passive millimeter-wave imaging. In this system, we built
           cameras will also be used to help security staff identify  a simple anechoic chamber using active/passive imagers
           suspicious persons, and the generated visible light images  to generate real image data.  Active or passive imagers
           will be associated with millimeter-wave images. Moreover,  generate millimeter-wave experimental images by letting the
           AI technology is used in this stage to increase the recognition  experimenter carry different numbers and types of suspicious
           probability for suspicious objects.                objects (knives, simulated bombs, guns, liquids, phones, etc.).
                                                              During the experiment, the position of the experimenter and
           2.3 AI-based suspicious object recognition technologies  the direction of suspicious object changes all the time, which
                                                              is kept as consistent as possible with the actual scene. Usually,
           In order to increase the probability of identifying suspicious  suspicious objects are hidden in clothes or bags. In addition
           objects in this system, we used AI technology to assist  to this, we will also try to wrap suspicious objects with
           this process, which is based on the developed suspicious  different kinds of items (clothes, cotton, etc.). Throughout the
           object database.  Between different AI technologies, the  experiment, 52 samples were generated by the active imager,
           convolutional neural network (CNN) [4] is a representative  and 1009 samples were generated by the passive imager.
           deep-learning technology for image recognition and image
           classification.  Two critical features of CNN, which  3.3 Generation of a suspicious object database via GAN
           make it special with other neural networks, are reducing
           the computational complexity and ensuring translational  3.3.1  Fundamental of GAN
           invariance. It mainly comprises two sections. The first
                                                              According to the description of [11], GAN was first proposed
           section is used to extract the features and includes the
                                                              in [12].  It studies a two-player minimax game between
           convolutional layer, pooling layer, batch normalization layer.
                                                              a generative network   and a discriminative network  .
           The second section is in the same way as a neural network
                                                              Taking noisy sample I ∼ ?(I) (sampled from a normal or
           works and used to make the classification, which includes
                                                              uniform distribution) as the input, the generative network
           flatten layer, fully connected layer. In this paper, we directly
                                                                outputs new data  (I), whose distribution ? 6 should be
           use CNN technology so the performance of the AI part
                                                              close to that of the data distribution ? 30C0 . At the same
           is determined by the CNN. Because the emphasis of this
                                                              time, the discriminative network   is used to distinguish the
           paper is to verify the feasibility of generating millimeter-wave
                                                              generated sample  (I) ∼ ? 6 ( (I)). and the true data sample
           images of suspicious objects for AI training through GAN and
                                                              G ∼ ? 30C0 (G). In the original GAN, this adversarial training
           evaluate the factors that will affect the AI recognition rate,
                                                              process was expressed as
           rather than the CNN itself, the technical details of CNN will
           not be described here.
                                                               <8=<0G                      [;>6(1− ( (I)))] (1)
           3.  SUSPICIOUS OBJECT DATABASE TO SUPPORT                   G∼? 30C0  [;>6 (G)]+  G∼? I
                                                              3.3.2  Image generation via GAN
           The AI-based suspicious object detection technology can be
           employed to increase the recognition probability of suspicious  GAN consists of two neural networks. In Figure 3, one of
           objects in this system. To this end, there are three ways to  the components is Generator, which as the name implies,
           build a suspicious object database: simulation, active/passive  generates data.  The Generator inputs random noise (I)
           imager, and GAN, which will be used for AI training.  that corresponds to the characteristic seed of the generated

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