Page 23 - Methodology for inter-operator and cross-border P2P money transfers
P. 23

belong to, some working text which describes their   with low probability of loss, this step can be omit-
            function, and a revision number to support docu-     ted. In that case, log sheets with respective fields
            ment maintenance and evolution.                      removed or marked as “not applicable” should be
            Example for full Location Log Sheet: Annex 1         created from the respective templates.
            Example for short form Location Log Sheet: Annex 2  •  Entering  check  marks  for  intermediate  tests  of
            These templates can be used electronically, i.e., for   network connectivity or power supply status: If
            data entries into respective file copies on a comput-  it can be expected that teams have the required
            er, or by printing from templates and filling out these   skill level and proficiency, log sheets with respec-
            copies by hand.                                      tive fields removed or marked as “not applicable”
            In  the  case  of  electronic  input,  files  should  be   should be created from the respective templates.
            copy-protected after completion, and a copy being
            kept in a safe location, as a precaution for the case of   Another practical simplification can be made by
            data loss or accidental alteration of content in later   printing log sheet copies with field already pre-set.
            stages of processing.                              Respective decisions should be made by the FTL
            The first type of Log Sheet, providing more guidance   based upon judgement of the actual situation.
            but also asking for a higher effort to be filled in, is
            meant to be used by teams which have limited expe-  11�6  Team Assignment List (TAL)
            rience or are meant to work under conditions with a   Remark: This type of list is also used with the name
            higher level of potential distraction where formalized   Scenario Master List.
            check lists can provide additional operational robust-  This list holds the information about the assignment
            ness. The second type of log sheet is designed for   between team names, scenarios, and time windows
            experienced teams, or teams which have to operate   associated to scenarios.
            under conditions where time to fill in details is limit-  In data processing, it is used – in combination with
            ed. In practical situations, it would be e.g., the FTL’s   the DAL (see next subsection) to link measurement
            task to select the most appropriate type with respect   data with respective scenarios.
            to the actual situation.                           The TAL structure is chosen such that it is user-friend-
            The log sheets make provisions for some elements   ly (in the sense that its structure is not more formal
            of the testing procedure which are optional, to be   than required). However, it must be clearly empha-
            decided by the FTL:                                sized that great care is strongly advised when creat-
                                                               ing and maintaining this list. Undetected errors can
            •  Photographing/scanning log sheets and send-     cause artefacts and errors in later stages of process-
               ing them by e-mail (applicable to cases where   ing which are hard to detect. In particular, the naming
               printed-out copies are used): Frame information   of teams and configurations must be consistent
               should be available at the point of data evalua-  between the DAL and the TAL.
               tion as fast as possible, to allow for further steps   Assuming that DAL and TAL are finally imported to
               in post processing and measurement data quality   a data base for final processing, it is highly recom-
               management. Taking a scan or photo and send-    mended to include respective check and validation
               ing them immediately after a testing session at a   procedures for TAL and DAL structure and content.
               given location is a means to that end; it also is a   As the content of a TAL is quite project-specific, no
               precaution against potential loss of such sheets   templates are provided. It is however recommended
               along the way. If it can be reasonably expected   to use the table below for construction of respective
               that log sheets will reach the point where they are   files.
               collected and processed further in short time and

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