Page 773 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 773

Video processing and storage                                       4

            Step 2: After receiving the human recognition request, the IVS system authenticates the user information,
            requests  the  cloud  computing  platform  to  create  the  intelligent  human  recognition  function,  and  then
            responds to the CU with the information from the intelligent human recognition function.
            Step 3: After receiving the response of the IVS system, the CU sends the request to the cloud computing
            Step 4: The cloud computing platform downloads the relevant video files from the media storage unit (MSU),
            processes the video files in parallel and then sends the human recognition results back to the CU.
            Step 5: When the intelligent human recognition task finishes, the cloud computing platform destroys the
            intelligent human recognition function to release the corresponding resources.

            6.4.2   Case 2: Video synopsis
            The IVS system deployed by a public security department produces massive surveillance video continuously
            and the cost of data storage is high. However, the public security department is usually interested in moving
            objects in the surveillance video. Therefore, to save storage space, surveillance video is usually processed to
            generate synopsis video before long-term storage. The objective of video synopsis is to shorten the video
            time by reorganizing moving video objects in temporal and spatial dimensions. For example, by using the
            video synopsis operation, a 24 h surveillance video file is transformed into a 30 min video file that contains
            all moving objects in the original video file. The intelligent video synopsis function can be virtualized as
            functional components in the cloud computing platform, and can be dynamically created according to user
            Step 1: Users log into the IVS system through the CU, and set several functional parameters of the video
            synopsis, such as the camera channel numbers, the time period of interest in the historical video and the
            density of the objects. Then users send an intelligent video synopsis request to the IVS system.

            Step  2:  After  receiving  the  video  synopsis  request,  the  IVS  system  authenticates  the  user  information,
            requests the cloud computing platform to create the intelligent video synopsis function and then responds
            to the CU with the information from the intelligent video synopsis function.

            Step 3: After receiving the response of the IVS system, the CU sends the request to the cloud computing

            Step 4: The cloud computing platform downloads the relevant video files from the MSU, processes the video
            files in parallel and then uploads the video synopsis results back to the MSU.

            Step  5:  When  the  intelligent  video  synopsis  task  finishes,  the  cloud  computing  platform  destroys  the
            intelligent video synopsis function to release the corresponding resources.

            7       Requirements for cloud computing platform supporting visual surveillance

            7.1     User requirements
            There are two types of user: cloud computing service consumers and cloud computing service providers.

            7.1.1   Cloud computing service consumer requirements
            –       USR-01: A visual surveillance cloud computing (VSCC) platform is required to support registration
                    and de-registration of the end user through the interface provided by the system and the end user
                    can view and modify personal information.
            –       USR-02: A VSCC platform is required to support convenient end-user login to and logout from the
                    system. A username and password are required when an end user logs into the system.
            –       USR-03: A VSCC platform is recommended to support end-user view of the user access logs or other
                    system logs.
            –       USR-04: A VSCC platform is recommended to support real-time surveillance video distribution.

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