Page 763 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 763

Video processing and storage                                       4

            –       USR-004: A VSCS system is required to support user's data uploading from a client device, including
                    video files, pictures and video metadata.
            –       USR-005: A VSCS system is required to support the user's view and downloading of stored data via
                    a client device, including video files, pictures and video metadata.
            –       USR-006: A VSCS system is recommended to support the video on demand and picture presentation
                    for end users.
            –       USR-007: A VSCS system is recommended to support information retrieval for end users.
            –       USR-008: A VSCS system is recommended to support flexible storage space application for end users.
            –       USR-009: A VSCS system is required to support the view of a user’s storage space status, including
                    the storage space occupancy rate, the remaining storage space.

            8.1.2   Cloud storage service provider requirements
            –       USR-010: A VSCS system is required to support the provider's login and logout from the system
                    conveniently. The provider’s name and password are required when logging into the system.
            –       USR-011: A VSCS system is required to support the provider's view of the cloud storage system
                    operating  status  from  the  beginning  to  then-present  time,  including  the  system  storage  space
                    occupancy  rate,  the  system’s  remaining  storage  space,  the  storage  space  occupancy  rate  of
                    individual users, the remaining storage space of individual users, etc.
            –       USR-012: A VSCS system is required to support flexible storage space assignment for individual

            8.2     Service requirements
            8.2.1   Video storage service requirements

            –       SER-001: A VSCS system is required to support directly writing video streams, from multiple PUs,
                    through the network.
            –       SER-002: A VSCS system is required to support video file uploading from multiple local video storage
                    devices through the network, including NVRs, mobile video capturing devices, etc.
            –       SER-003: A VSCS system is required to support video file deletion.
            –       SER-004: A VSCS system is required to support video file browsing and searching; the searching
                    conditions can be the source of video files, the capture time of video files, etc.
            –       SER-005: A VSCS system is required to support video file downloading through the network.
            –       SER-006:  A  VSCS  system  is  required  to  support  automatic  video  file  overwriting  when  a  user's
                    storage space is full; the overwriting principle is that the oldest data is replaced first.
            –       SER-007: A VSCS system is recommended to support video playback for end users according to the
                    source of the video file and the capture time of the video file. Video playback operations include
                    fast forward, slow forward, pause, and stop.
            8.2.2   Picture storage service requirements

            –       SER-008: A VSCS system is required to support direct writing of pictures, from multiple PUs, through
                    the network.
            –       SER-009: A VSCS system is required to support picture uploading from multiple local video storage
                    devices through the network, including PCs, mobile picture capturing devices, etc.
            –       SER-010: A VSCS system is required to support picture deletion.
            –       SER-011:  A  VSCS  system  is  required  to  support  picture  browsing  and  searching;  the  searching
                    conditions can be the source of the pictures, the capture time of the pictures, etc.
            –       SER-012: A VSCS system is required to support picture downloading through the network.

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