Page 698 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 698

3                                                       XaaS

            The NC service level management functional component manages the capacity and performance relating to
            NC. This can involve the application of policies (e.g., a placement rule which aims to avoid single points of
            The  NC  service  level  management  functional  component  obtains  monitoring  information  from  the  NC
            monitoring and reporting functional component in order to measure and record KPIs for the NC. NC capacity
            can be allocated or de-allocated based on the basis of these KPIs.

            The NC service level management functional component also keeps track of the overall state of an allocated
            NC capacity and available network capacity. The comparison of allocated capacity against performance KPIs
            can  assist  in  the  identification  of  current  or  potential  bottlenecks,  in  support  of  capacity  planning.  This
            includes the management of connectivity capacity and the forwarding of information related to NC capacity
            and usage reporting.
      NC incident and problem management

            The NC incident and problem management functional component provides capabilities for the capture of
            incident or problem reports related to NC and managing those reports through to resolution.

      NC inventory

            The  NC  inventory  functional  component  keeps  track  of  the  allocated  NC  including  the  associated

            8.3.6   OSS functional components for physical resources
            NOTE – This clause is out of the scope of this Recommendation.

            8.4     Functional components for NaaS development support

            Refer to clause 7.9 for a description of development functionalities for NaaS products and services.
            The  functional  components  for  NaaS  development  support  include  the  development  support  functional
            components described in clause of [ITU-T Y.3502]:
            –       Developer  environment  functional  component.  Provides  the  capabilities  to  support  the
                    development  of  the  NaaS  service  software  implementation  including  the  development  of  the
                    following software components:
                    •   Network function software. A network function software can be developed in such a way that
                        features and capability of the network function is provided by elementary network functions; It
                        can also be provided by composition of other developed network functions;
                    •   Network services;
                    •   Network connectivity applications software (such as for SDN applications).
            –       The development environment functional component includes capabilities for the creation of the
                    configuration metadata for the above software components as well as scripts and related artefacts
                    that are then used by the provider's operational support systems to provision and configure the
                    network function, network service or network connectivity application.
            –       Build management functional component. Supports the building of a ready-to-deploy NaaS software
                    package for network functions, network services and network connectivity applications which can
                    be passed to the NaaS CSP for deployment into the NaaS cloud service environment. The software
                    package consists of both the service implementation software and also the configuration metadata
                    and scripts.
            –       Test management functional component. Supports the execution of test cases against any build of
                    the NaaS service implementation. The test management functional component produces reports of
                    the executed tests and these can be communicated to the NaaS CSP along with a build of the NaaS
                    service implementation.

            The functional components for NaaS development support (Dev-NaaS products and services) are shown in
            Figure 8-8.

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