Page 687 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 687

XaaS                                                     3

            –       Billing functional component. The billing functional component has capabilities for the metering and
                    rating of the use of NaaS services by NaaS CSCs and the generation of invoices based on the charges
                    for the use of NaaS services created by the metering and rating function, and the transmission of
                    the invoices to the NaaS CSCs.

            In addition to BSS components defined in [ITU-T Y.3502], the following functional components are added (see
            Figure 8-1):

            –       The customer order management functional component is responsible of the lifecycle management
                    of a NaaS CSCs' requests for NaaS products (and NaaS services offered by these NaaS products). This
                    includes  customer  order  establishment  (step  guiding,  data  collection  and  validation),  customer
                    order  orchestration  and  overall  customer  order  lifecycle  management  (see  [ITU-T  Y.3521]  and
                    [ITU-T Y.3522]). Orders from NaaS CSCs may be for new NaaS products and NaaS services, or may
                    be for updating or terminating of an existing NaaS service;
            –       The product inventory functional component holds information of NaaS products' instances ordered
                    by  NaaS  CSCs.  This  information  is  updated  during  the  lifecycle of  the  NaaS  products  instances,
                    reflecting  changes  resulting  from  execution  of  management  operations  on  these  NaaS  product

            8.2     Service layer functional components for NaaS
            Figure 8-2 shows the service layer functional components used for NaaS services instantiation and also when
            a NaaS service is instantiated by the NaaS CSP.

                                  Figure 8-2 – Service layer functional components for NaaS

            8.2.1   Business capabilities (NaaS)
            The business capabilities (NaaS) functional component provides a set of capabilities for accessing the NaaS
            business  related  functionalities  (see  clause  7.1)  related  to  the  provision  of  NaaS  services.  The  business
            functionalities  are  contained  within  the  business  support  systems  (BSS)  functional  components  (see
            clause 8.1).

            In particular, the business capabilities (NaaS) functional component provide access means for the NaaS CSC
            to select and purchase a NaaS product (and associated NaaS services with associated NaaS service models
            and NaaS service operational policy models) available in the product catalogue functional component (see
            clause 8.1). Once validated by the NaaS CSP, the requested NaaS service is instantiated by the NaaS CSP, i.e.,
            a  corresponding  service  capabilities  (NaaS)  functional  component  is  made  available  in  the  service  layer
            allowing  for  further  NaaS  service  interactions  between  the  NaaS  CSC  and  the  NaaS  CSP.  If  not  already
            instantiated an administration capabilities (NaaS) functional component is also made available in the service
            layer allowing for NaaS service-related management interactions between the NaaS CSC and the NaaS CSP.

            Interactions through the business capabilities (NaaS) functional component also allow for the NaaS CSC to
            access the billing information related to the usage of instantiated NaaS services. Using BSS and OSS functional
            components, the NaaS CSP collects relevant usage measurements and usage events in order to generate and
            provide a bill to the NaaS CSC.

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