Page 51 - Turning digital technology innovation into climate action
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Turning digital technology innovation into climate action

               6.3    Supporting the transition to a circular economy (CE)                                          Chapter 6

               As part of its mandate to minimise the environmental impacts of the ICT sector, ITU-T SG5 has
               developed a series of international standards that provide ICT producers, designers and cities moving
               towards to a CE with the relevant tools and guidelines to achieve this. These include:

               •    ITU-T L.1000 ‘Universal power adapter and charger solutions for mobile terminals and other
                    hand-held ICT devices’: provides high level requirements for a universal power adapter and
                    charger solution that will reduce the number of power adapters and chargers produced and
                    recycled by widening their application to more devices and increasing their lifetime.  The solution
                    also aims to reduce energy consumption. The longer life cycle and possibility of avoiding device
                    duplication reduces the demand on raw materials and waste.  The universal power adapter and
                    charger solution is designed to serve the vast majority of mobile terminals and other ICT devices.
               •    ITU-T L.1020 ‘Circular economy: Guide for operators and suppliers on approaches to migrate
                    towards circular ICT goods and networks’: suggests approaches of CE for information and
                    communication technology (ICT) goods and networks. It focuses particularly on the next steps
                    in improving circularity in the operators′ supply chain. The Recommendation provides a guide
                    on how operators could work with their supply chain to improve CE aspects for ICT goods and
                    networks through a manifesto intended to improve the circularity of products through supply
                    chain actions, but it does not provide metrics. The objective of the guide is to provide options
                    to improve circularity and to enable operators and their suppliers to create business models for
                    the promotion of circular networks for an optimum solution that uses all the loops of circularity
                    – from sharing to recycling.  Specifically, the manifesto calls for the following:

                    a.  increasing usage rates through sharing or virtualization;
                    b.  extending the operating life-time of equipment through simplified maintenance and reuse;
                    c.  the reuse/redistribution of equipment or components on other types of functions or in
                       other countries;
                    d.  refurbishment and remanufacturing; and
                    e.  recycling of all materials without using landfills or incineration at the final stage.

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