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ICT for Health: Networks, standards and innovation

           Figure  7  shows  the  relationship  between  three  alarm   Table 3 - Expected alarm reduction effect
           priorities  and  the  medical  treatments.  When  an  escalation
           occurs, alarm priority changes from a lower level to a higher
           level, as specified in Table 2.

                                                                   4.  CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS
           Figure 7 - Decision of alarm priority and medical treatment
                     assuming alarm-priority “Middle”         We designed and implemented an alarm delivery system for
                                                              patients with intractable diseases that can be integrated with
            Table 2 - Alarm priority and time duration for notification   home networks used for medical IoT networks. We proposed
                                                              a  prototype  false-alarm  reduction  mechanism  for  highly-
                                                              controlled  medical  device  systems  including  an  artificial
                                                              ventilator.  We  investigated  alarms  for  one  year  in
                                                              cooperation with a patient’s family. We focused on alarm
                                                              duration  of  alarm  codes  and  decided  initial  and  escalated
                                                              alarm  priorities  with  trigger  duration  to  notify  caregivers
                                                              from a clinical viewpoint. We are currently working on the
                                                              next step of alarm optimization in systems having various
                                                              highly-controlled  medical  devices  and  on  operational
                                                              optimization  taking  advantage  of  medical  IoT  network
           The motion alarm is removed 100%, because it appears very   After that we need to tackle standardization of alarms and the
           frequently  with  very  low  clinical  emergency.  When  other   treatments  that  are  suitable  for  home  use.  The  alarms  are
           alarms continue over the third quartile (75%) of duration of   raised  depending  on  medical  devices  manufactured  by
           the alarm code on Table 1, the system notifies caregivers as   different  companies.  To  use  them  at  home,  we  need  to
           an initial alarm priority. The alarm time, then, lasts over two   establish  medical  treatments  following  standard  meanings
           times that of the duration; alarm priority is escalated to upper   for  the  same  category  of  medical  devices.  There  are
           alarm  priority.  Alarms  associated  with  the  connection   standards, such as IEEE 11073-10404[10] which is device
           between  sensors  and  a  patient  (pulse_search,  sensor_off,   specialization of a pulse oximeter on IEEE 11073-20601[11].
           loss_of_pulse, loss_of_pulse_with_motion, no_sensor) start   But it defines low-level specifications to connect to networks
           from  low  emergency.  Alarms  associated  with  the   and  is  not  aimed  at  alarm  management.  There  is  still  no
           physiological  status  of  a  patient  (spo2_lo,  pulse_rate_lo,   device specialization of artificial ventilators on IEEE 11073-
           pulse_rate_high)  start  from  middle  priority.  Three  alarms   20601.  IHE  (Integrating  the  Healthcare  Enterprise)  PCD
           (peak_press_insp_lo,  peak_press_hi,  insp_time_over_2)   (patient  care  device)  ACM  (alarm  communication  model)
           associated with patient respiration in the artificial ventilator   profile based on HL7 [12] is directed for mainly hospital use,
           start  from  middle  priority.  Other  alarms  in  the  artificial   and seems to lack perspective of false alarm reduction. IEC
           ventilator  were  omitted,  because  they  are  inner  status   80001-2-5 [13] is application guidance of risk management
           information  of  the  artificial  ventilator  and  the  clinical   on distributed alarm systems for IT-networks incorporating
           meanings of the events are unclear from a clinical viewpoint.   medical devices.
           They are also of very short duration and low frequency. The
           false alarm reduction rate of this method is estimated to be   We  expect  standards  in  both  hardware  interfaces  and
           95.5%, as shown in Table 3.                        consistent alarm meanings used for patients with artificial

                                                              ventilators  and  their  caregivers  at  homes  to  reduce  false
           In  the  current  environment,  all  highly  managed  medical   alarms and prevent missing alarms.
           devices raise alarms when unusual conditions are detected,
           even if the conditions are due to regular suction use. Lots of
           alarms are raised and it may be difficult to find real alarms
           among them. Caregivers, therefore, sometimes disable alarm

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