P. 80

2019 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           alarm  reduction  system  having  an  interface  to  connect   Most artificial ventilators have a nurse-call switch which is
           various  highly-controlled  medical  devices  including  an   implemented as a means to inform caregivers of an urgent
           artificial  ventilator.  When  consistent  alarm  functions  are   situation caused by delayed notice of an alarm sound. Most
           defined,  they  can  be  designed  in  various  false-alarm   ventilators are equipped with an emergency call connector,
           reduction systems. We investigated alarms of a patient for   and  each  model  is  connected  to  a  gateway  server  by  a
           one  year  in  cooperation  with  the  patient’s  family  and   connector.
           discussed false alarm reductions that are required especially
           for home use. We raise issues and conclude with our further   There are two types of connecters to plug in a gateway, one
           work for patients with different types of intractable diseases   using  a  cable  with  3  core  wires  for  detection  of  cable
           and  for  standardization  of  alarms  and  their  treatment  in   disconnection  and  the  other  using  2  core  wires.  The  left
           medical  IoT  networks  integrating  false-alarm  reduction   figure and photo in Figure 2 show the normally closed (NC)
           systems.                                           type connection of  an  HT70Plus ventilator  using  a 3-core
                                                              wire  cable,  whereas  the  right  figure  and  photos  show  the
              2.  BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORKS                normally open (NO) type connection of a Vivo50 ventilator
                                                              using a 2-core wire cable. Each ventilator uses either type of
           2.1    Tele-alarm experimental system              connections.

           The  use  of  life  supporting  devices,  such  as  an  artificial
           ventilator, at home is increasing rapidly. Accompanying this
           use,  emergency  situations,  such  as  accidents,  are  often
           reported. It is required to equip networked alarms along with
           the device uses at home.  Artificial ventilators are used in
           medical facilities under the management of caregivers, but
           even there, it is better to have network functions to deal with
           emergency situations. It is also important to have patient data
           monitored by multiple caregivers who can respond quickly
           to a change of a patient’s condition.

           We have implemented a tele-alarm system in Figure 1 with
           a  patient  care  team  consisting  of  medical  doctors,  nurses,
           medical engineering staff, and so on to quickly respond to
           alarms.                                              Figure 2 - Alarm transmission via nurse-call connector

                                                              The NC method is safer than the NO method because the NC
                                                              can detect a hardware failure, such as a cable disconnect. The
                                                              NC  method  is  preferable  for  a  connection  between  a
                                                              ventilator  and  a  gateway  that  transfers  alarm  data  to  an
                                                              outside network. The need for such a connection is evident,
                                                              but the interface to raise an alarm is not standardized yet.

                        Figure 1 - Tele-alarm system

           The system supports multiple patients at home and multiple
           caregivers and reduces the load of each caregiver, but we
           found differences in the meanings of alarms among artificial
           ventilators,  and  some  devices  do  not  have  the  interface
           needed to deliver alarms remotely.

           2.2    Proprietary alarm delivery function

           Along  with  the  number  of  uses,  severe  sequelae  or  death   Figure 3 - Experimental scheme of vital signs and
           cases  are  increasing  because  medical  staff  do  not  always     alarm delivery
           notice alarm events immediately.

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