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ICT for Health: Networks, standards and innovation

           forest. Then, we extract atomic care demands according     User Layer  Nature Language   User Living
                                                                         Geriatric Disease
           to their slot values.  Additionally, an expert knowledge       Information  Care Needs  Requirements
           forest is built by expert knowledge trees which integrate                         Knowledge
           expert knowledge and care demands for every geriatric      Demand Layer
           disease. Thereafter, it is a requisite to obtain smart services  Care     ĊĊ          Care
           for providing geriatric care for the elderly by the smart    Demand 1               Demand N
           home, based on mapping similarity consisting of functional   Atomic   Atomic   Atomic   Atomic   Atomic
           similarity and non-functional similarity between atomic      Demand 1  Demand 2  Demand 3  Demand 4  Demand G
           demands and smart services. In order to make the selection  Service Layer Smart   Smart   Smart
           of sensing devices unambiguous, we convert the problem           Service   Service   Service
           of selecting suitable sensing devices to realize selected smart   S1
           services into a multi-objective knapsack problem of searching  Device Layer  Sound   Infrared   Smart   Switch
           for the optimized solution. In this paper, SAFSA is selected  Sensor  ĊĊ   Sensor  Sensor  Bracelet  ĊĊ   Sensor
           to search for the optimized solution, which could be replaced
           by other optimization algorithms. Finally, we decode the  Figure 2 – The system workflow in UDSD model
           optimized artificial fish to recommend the user-oriented  and so on.  As shown in Definition 1, the care demand
           SDSP for the target elderly, including types, commodity
           selections, quantities and installation positions of sensing  contains ID, Label, Description, Children and Quality
                                                              Requirement(QR), where ID the unique identifier of one
                                                              care demand, Label are keywords of functional description,
                                                              Description expresses user demand in natural language,
                                                              and QR expresses quality constraints of required service.
                                                              Moreover, Children contains the ID of its sub-demands, if this
           4.1 The UDSD architecture for data formalization
                                                              care demand is a composited demand. Generally, QR consists
           As the informal descriptions of user demands and smart  of some non-functional attributes, including price, response
           services limit the efficiency of automatically generating  time, availability, reliability and so on. In this paper, the
           optimized SDSP, we proposed a UDSD architecture to  non-functional attribute QR with accuracy, response_time,
           formalize elderly information, care demands, smart services  smart_level, availability and reliability.
           and sensing devices, and which consisted of a user layer,
           demand layer, service layer and device layer, as shown in  Definition 1 Every care demand in this paper contains ID,
           Figure 2.                                          Label, Description, Children and Quality Requirement.

             • User layer: The concept of the user layer is used    De = {ID, Label, Description,Children,QR}
               to sort and formalize key information of diseases
               description, natural language care needs, and other
               living requirements of elderly.
                                                              4.1.2  Service Layer
             • Demand layer:  After we extract expert knowledge
               in expert diagnosis, medical literature and clinical  In order to obtain the suitable smart services for geriatric
               diagnosis of geriatric diseases, the demand layer fuses  care automatically, we need to formalize smart services into
               user demands and expert knowledge. Specifically, care  digital description in the service layer, including ID, Label,
               demands are divided into composite care demands and  Description and Quality of Service(QoS). Therefore, smart
               atomic care demands.                           services in this paper are formalized with three modules.
             • Service layer: It is proposed to formalize technologies  1. Definition: The definition of the smart service indicates
               and services in recent research into smart services with a  the functional description for geriatric care, including
               fixed format, including name, label, description, quality  ID, Label, Description.
               of service and input requirement.
                                                               2. QoS: This represents the non-functional parameters of
             • Device layer: This layer formalizes digital descriptions  the smart service, including accuracy, response-time,
               of sensing devices, includingprice, precision, measuring  smart-level, availability and reliability.
               range and so on, which are important in analyzing the
               ability and performance of sensing devices.     3. Input requirements: It is proposed to summarize the
                                                                  hardware requirements of the smart service.

           4.1.1  Demand layer                                4.1.3  Expert knowledge forest
           Generally, care demands are extracted in expert diagnosis  Knowledge excavation is the mining of potential patterns
           of geriatric diseases, which represents the real care needs  and behaviors by highly automated analysis of legacy data
           of elderly for 24-hour geriatric care in the smart home,  to help people make the right decisions. The expression of
           including diet care, sport care, daily care, danger warning  expert knowledge directly affects the efficiency of knowledge

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