Page 89 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 89

                                                   MACHINE LEARNING

                      Ved P. Kafle, Yusuke Fukushima, Pedro Martinez-Julia, and Takaya Miyazawa

                     National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan

                              ABSTRACT                        resources by using network  function  virtualization  (NFV)
           Machine  learning  has the capability to provide simpler   and software defined networking (SDN) technologies.  A
           solutions to complex problems by analyzing a huge volume   network slice is configured and controlled dynamically by
           of data in a short time, learning for adapting  its   software, which is also called network softwarization [2].
           functionality to dynamically changing environments, and
           predicting near future events with reasonably good   A huge volume of data of complex  nature  need  to  be
           accuracy.  The  5G communication networks are getting   analyzed to carry out smart decision for the design,
           complex due to emergence of unprecedentedly  huge   construction, deployment, operation, administration and
           number of new connected devices and new types of services.   management of a network slice  so  that it can effectively
           Moreover,  the  requirements of creating virtual network   satisfy the quality of service (QoS)  requirements  of  the
           slices suitable to provide optimal services for diverse users   service  intended  to  be delivered through it, despite time-
           and applications are posing challenges  to  the  efficient   varying  workloads  and network conditions. It is difficult
           management of network resources, processing information   for a human to create and operate network slices manually
           about a huge volume of traffic, staying robust against all   by processing the large volumes of data in a  short  time.
           potential  security threats, and adaptively adjustment of   Therefore, it is being necessary to automate these tasks.
           network functionality for time-varying workload. In this   Machine learning techniques are enabler for the automation
           paper, we introduce about the envisioned 5G network   of  network slicing functions. Machine learning has the
           slicing and elaborate the  necessity of automation of   capability of sensing (e.g., anomaly detection), mining (e.g.,
           network functions for the design, construction, deployment,   service classification), prediction (e.g., forecasting user or
           operation, control and management of network slices. We   traffic trend), and reasoning (e.g., configuration of system
           then revisit the machine learning techniques that can be   parameters for adaptation) [3]. Namely, it has capabilities
           applied  for  the automation of network functions. We also   to analyze a huge volume of data in a very short time, learn
           discuss the status of artificial intelligence and machine   to  adjust  the system to time-varying environments, make
           learning  related activities being progressed in standards   prediction of future events with reasonably good accuracy,
           development organizations and industrial forums.      and prescribe proactive solutions.

               Keywords— Machine learning, artificial intelligence,
           5G network, slicing, standardization               Machine learning has  been  considered for the automation
                                                              of various functions of network operation and management,
                                                              such as resource management, on-demand and adaptive
                          1. INTRODUCTION
                                                              network  configuration, service creation and orchestration,
           The  5G networks are expected to enable ultra-high-speed   fault detection, security, mobility  management,  user
           data transmission (about 10Gbps) that would be about 1000   experience enhancement, and dynamic adjustment of policy
           times the speed of current LTE networks, connect massive   [3]. Recent advancements in big data, cloud  computing,
           number of devices that would be 10-100 times the number   cyber physical systems (CPS), and Internet of Thing (IoT)
           of  existing  mobile  phones, ultra-low latency (about 1ms)   have  become enabler for the realization of artificial
           that would be 5 times lower than the  latency  of  LTE   intelligence (AI) and machine learning based network
           networks, and highly energy efficient with 10 times longer   control and management technologies [4].
           battery  life  [1]. They should be possessed with the
           capability  to  satisfy the diverse requirements of various   In this paper, we  describe the envisioned 5G network
           services for the fully connected  smart society, such as   slicing and elaborate the necessity of  automation  of
           enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine type   network functions for the design, construction, deployment,
           communication (mMTC), and ultra-reliable and low latency   operation, control and management of network slices. We
           communication (URLLC).  Since  each of these services   then provide an overview of machine learning techniques
           requires different types of network capabilities (e.g., eMBB   that can be applied to the automation of network functions.
           services require very high bandwidth and mMTC services   We also discuss the status  of  artificial  intelligence  and
           require ultra-dense connectivity), they cannot be provided   machine learning related activities being  progressed  in
           effectively over a single homogeneous network. Therefore,   various standards development organizations (SDO) and
           5G networks are being enabled with the capability of the   industrial forums. The main contribution of this paper is to
           on-demand constructions of network slices with sufficient   highlight the essential functions of network slicing  and

           978-92-61-26921-0/CFP1868P-ART @ 2018 ITU       – 73 –                                    Kaleidoscope
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