Page 63 - ITU Journal - ICT Discoveries - Volume 1, No. 2, December 2018 - Second special issue on Data for Good
P. 63

ITU JOURNAL: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 1(2), December 2018

                                          Example Proper-      tion,  WoT  Scripting  API  [14].  This  provides  a
             Metadata      Primary  Uses
                                                ties           uniform  way  to  write  applications  for  WoT  and
                                                               allow  scripts  to  run  on  devices  for  discovery,
                         - Interoperability
           Preservation   - Digital object   - Checksum        provisioning, and the control of them [16].
           metadata      management       - Preservation
                         - Preservation                        In  literature,  approaches  to  develop  languages,
                                                               frameworks, software, etc. are also in progress. To
                         - Interoperability   - Copyright status
           Rights metada-                 - License terms      support  representations  of  things,  a  descriptive
           ta            - Digital object                      language  for  devices,  IoT  Device  Description
                         management       - Rights holder      Language (IoT-DLL), is presented in [17]. Although
                                          - Sequence
           Structural    - Navigation                          it  aims  for  automation  and  interoperability  of
           metadata                       - Place in hierar-   smart  devices,  it  is  compatible  only  when  the
                                          - Paragraph          devices  are  described  in  this  particular  language.
           Markup lan-   - Navigation     - Heading            In  [18],  a  Semantic  IoT  Framework  is  proposed,
           guages        - Interoperability                    which  facilitates  realizing  the  changes  in  data  or
                                          - List
                                                               metadata,  analyzing  data,  and  firing  domain-
          2.   RELATED WORK                                    specific  rules  or  policies.  The  core  part  of  the
                                                               proposed framework is composed of the modules
          Many  approaches  in  projects  and  standardization   that perform updating the data changes, activating
          activities   target   interoperable,   semantic,     the  actions,  and  processing  data.  However,  the
          a  u  t  o  m  a  t  e  d  ,     a  n  d     d  y  n  a  m  i  c     I  o  T     e  c  o  s  y  s  t  e  m  s  .     interoperability  issue  still  has  not  been  solved
          Accordingly,  works  on  data  models,  ontologies,   since these procedures occur on the platform level
          platforms,  frameworks,  and  software  have  been   so that it is not applicable to data-level processing;
          continuously done. Developed by World Wide Web       more  importantly  it  is  out  of  the  proposed
          Consortium  (W3C),  a  semantic  sensor  network     framework. In [19], a tool called SysFlow Workflow
          (SSN)  [9]  is  one  of  the  most  significant  and   Engine  is  presented,  which  receives  a  systems
          widespread  models  to  describe  sensors  and  IoT-  modeling language workflow in an XML metadata
          related concepts. W3C  SSN ontology provides the     interchangeable  format  to  parse  and  execute
          concepts  describing  connected  devices  in  great   workflows. This work provides a way to automate
          detail  across  a  wide  range  of  applications.  Even   the  workflows  by  utilizing  metadata,  but  the
          though  there  exists  a  number  of  other  semantic   proposed  tool  is  yet  restricted  to  some  specific
          sensor  network  ontologies,  many  of  them  utilize   domains, and its shortcoming comes when  the
          W3C SSN as their basis or underlying model. Hence,   users do not have access or their preference in the
          W3C  SSN  currently  plays  a  key  role  in  IoT,  WoT   proposed tool for their interested application domain.
          and  SWoT  [10].  IoT-Lite  [11]  is  a  lightweight
          semantic  model  which  is  an  instantiation  of  W3C   The  aforementioned  approaches  are  focused  on
          SSN ontology. Due to its detailed description, W3C   semantically  providing  common  descriptions  on
          SSN can be considered to be heavy, and IoT-Lite is   data  and  devices  in  order  to  support  automation
          developed to minimize concepts and relationships     and interoperability in existing WoT environments
          of W3C SNN while providing answers to most end-      or  their  own  developed  platforms,  frameworks,
          user  queries.  There  exist  ongoing  European      and  infrastructures.  However,  to  truly  enable
          projects  that  leverage  the  W3C  SSN  ontology  as   automatic  and  interoperable  interactions  among
          their starting points for achieving interoperability.   devices,  devices  and  systems  need  to  be
          For  example,  Federated  Interoperable  Semantic    empowered by additional information on the basic
          Testbeds  and  Applications  (FIESTA)  [12]  and     procedures  of  how  they  are  allowed  to  interact
          Inter-IoT  [13]  utilize  W3C  SSN  ontology  as  their   with  others.  Common  understandings  of  not  only
          basis  and  extend  it  in  their  own  ways.  Currently,   data  and  devices  but  also  cooperative  decision
          W3C is making progress on establishing the Thing     logic and action workflows need to be established
          Description   (TD)   repository   for   common       for  automation  and  interoperability.  For  common
          representation for a WoT description. TD provides    descriptions  on  logic,  functions,  and  workflows
          the  semantic metadata and functional description    among devices  in systems and services, the
          of  devices in  events,  properties,  and actions  [14],   concept  of  a  new  metadata  type,  so-called
          [15].  Along  with  TD,  W3C  is  also  working  on  an   procedural metadata is presented in the following
          application programming interface (API) specifica-   section.

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