Page 106 - ITU Journal - ICT Discoveries - Volume 1, No. 2, December 2018 - Second special issue on Data for Good
P. 106

ITU JOURNAL: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 1(2), December 2018

          claims to power about their data. Governance shall   dignity in at least two ways: first, the linkages make
          strive to make individuals data sovereigns.          data processing more invasive than ever and result
                                                               in an unprecedented degree of transparency of the
          One important clarification is immediately in order.   individual.  Second,  these  tools  are  not  limited  to
          Taking sovereignty as a normative reference point    capturing,  describing,  and  analyzing  us  and  our
          is not the same  as approving and demanding          activities. Our lives become shaped by them. There
          respect of just any claim to power. Compatible with   is  a  spectrum  ranging  from  harmless  nudging  to
          and arguably inherent to the concept of sovereignty   potentially  more  egregious  interferences  with
          is a relational aspect: whether a claim to sovereign   decision  making  and  even  preference  formation.
          power is legitimate depends on its content and the   The worry is that self-determination and autonomy
          relationship  between  the  putative  sovereign  and   come  under  fire,  and  that  the  ideal  of  data
          her  claim’s  addressees.  If  arbitrariness  or     sovereignty becomes unattainable.
          unreasonable  self-interest  drive  the  claim,
          sovereignty  turns  into  despotism.  Negotiating    3.    BEYOND PRIVACY?
          sovereignty and its scope is a discursive process to
          be carried out in dialogue with others and society.   A variety of definitions of privacy exist. It is one of
                                                               the most prominent values invoked against threats
          With this in mind, we can distinguish two levels on   of overly invasive and manipulative interventions.
          which data sovereignty can be impaired. Firstly, the   For example, Luciano Floridi describes privacy as a
          sovereignty of nation states appears compromised     function of informational friction, i.e. “the forces that
          by  challenges  and  perplexities  of  aligning [6] the   oppose the flow of information” [11]. The more this
          online  world  (or  parts  thereof)  with  national   flow is constrained, the less accessible information
          legislation. For example, commentators worry that    becomes to others.
          governments  which  use  cloud  computing  could
          store data outside their jurisdiction and run the risk   Privacy could be understood as merely a protective
          of compromising national sovereignty by conceding    and constraining concept. While acknowledging the
          control  over  information  [7].  This  is  why  some   importance of privacy in this sense, the normative
          authors identify data sovereignty with the ability to   reference point of data sovereignty goes beyond it.
          geolocate data, to place it within the borders of a   On the one hand, data restrictiveness can express
          particular  nation  state  [8],  and  to  resolve    self-determination,  focused  on  individual  rights
          uncertainty about which laws apply [9].              exercised  in  ways  that  exclude others  from one’s
                                                               informational  sphere.  On  the  other  hand,  data
          Secondly, individuals cease to be data sovereigns if   sharing  can  be  the  expression  of  solidarity,
          they are unable  to articulate  or enforce claims to   orientation  towards  claims  of  others,  and
          power  and/or  if  they  are  unaware  of  the  flow  of   commitment to the common good. Data sovereignty
          their personal information, the nature of the data   reflects  that  individual  decision  making  mediates
          that is being generated about their lives, who can   between  restrictiveness  and  sharing  without
          access it, the ways in which it is processed, and the   categorically  privileging  either.  The  notion  thus
          mechanisms  in  which  such  processing  feeds  back   demands    that   privacy    protections   are
          into  their  decision  making.  In  the  worst  case,   complemented  by  controllable  methods  for
          potentially autonomous and reflective subjects are   weaving informational ties to others [12].
          degraded to mere objects of data flows.
                                                               This being said, there is overlap between privacy
          In this context, caution is needed against a looming   and  data  sovereignty,  e.g.,  if  privacy  involves  the
          granularization  of  human  dignity  [10].  Big  data   "claim  of  individuals,  groups,  or  institutions,  to
          tools,   algorithms,   and   neural    networks      determine for themselves when, how, and to what
          continuously  recognize  patterns  and  reduce  our   extent information about them is communicated to
          lives  to  conglomerates  of  data  points,  which   others" [13], or more generally if it means “control
          themselves can be rearranged and set into relation   over personal information“ [14]. These notions take
          to other fine-grained data sets: linkages unite social   the  individual  as  the  basic  unit  of  analysis.
          media data, shopping behavior, traffic data, health   Something  similar  goes  for  the  Fair  Information
          records,  forensic  records,  political  attitudes,   Practice  Principles  [15]  which  specify  individual
          financial   transactions,   and   more.   These      rights  related  to  accessing,  amending,  and
          developments  threaten  to  compromise  human        controlling data, and have shaped legislation in the

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