Page 169 - Trust in ICT 2017
P. 169

Trust in ICT                                                2

            9       Conclusions

            The year 2015 was ITU's 150th anniversary starting from the first international Telegraph Convention and the
            creation  of  the  International  Telecommunication  Union.  During  the  last  150  years,  the  information  and
            communication technology (ICT) is one of the key drivers of innovation and technological breakthroughs in
            the world. Recently, the surprising news is that the penetration ratio of Internet access in the world was more
            than 40 % in 2014. Moreover, the number of mobile subscribers has already exceeded more than 3.6 billion
            in  2014.  To  cope  with  the  future  knowledge  information  infrastructure,  this  Technical  Paper  will  be
            summarized as follows:
            –       Knowledge  society  will  be  realized  by  the  developments  of  information  and  communication
                    •   Information and communication technology is a key enabler to open a future knowledge society
                        since knowledge society is a kind of artificial world created by human minds.
            –       Online connectivity introduces new cultural experiences of human life and business:
                    •   Online connectivity has changed the way in which many people think and allows them to take
                        advantage of the "political, social, economic, educational, and career opportunities";
                    •   Reflecting on human history, a totally new ICT culture relying on massive connectivity between
                        human-to-human and human-to-machine may take place.
            –       New habits of human life and business via smartphones and social media:
                    •   Smartphones play the role of the personal assistant or guidance to help schedule meetings,
                        ticket reservations, and information search, etc.
                    •   Social media may create a new window of cyber industry and open new social markets.
            –       Accumulation of human intelligence including tacit know-hows:
                    •   With the help of data and knowledge engineering, all human intelligence and experiences will
                        be accumulated and shared with others;
                    •   Since  all  the  experiences  and  experimental  results  are  collectively  and  interdisciplinary
                        accumulated, problems of a complex nature like climate change and human genome may be

            –       New knowledge products and new social media markets relying on human intelligence:
                    •   Simulator or virtual space to experience the real physical world;
                    •   Virtual reality for practices and new experiences of tacit knowledge;
                    •   New markets for the cyber physical system by combining with the IoT/M2M technologies.
            –       ITU-T has a responsibility to get a consensus for the knowledge information infrastructure:
                    •   ITU may have a leadership role to introduce the future knowledge society by getting a global
                        consensus for the future ICT infrastructure;
                    •   Standards for future knowledge-aware industries are critical to realize a knowledge eco-society.
            –       On the other hand, the future knowledge society should be a safe and sustainable society:

                    •   It encourages the positive effects of online connectivity and social media.
                    •   It protects user privacy and unexpected dangers to minimize the unexpected risks.
                    •   It maximizes human survivability in the future.

            Finally, ITU-T may get a chance to lead the future knowledge society in terms of standardization. As a top
            level of formal standards body, ITU-T may try to initiate new working methods for the standardization of the
            future knowledge information infrastructure. In addition, ITU-T may have a leadership role to collaborate
            with the private sectors and academia which are outside of ITU-T. The pre-standardization and conceptual
            framework activities may be encouraged with collective intelligence and crowdsourcing.

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