Page 98 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 98

2017 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           3.2. Motivations and incentives for data use       3.3. Data collection and monitoring

           During the  preparation stage, individuals’  motivation  for   From the  preparation stage, once individuals  have
           collecting and using data are  considered. At this  stage   established the  motivations  for monitoring and collecting
           individuals also make decisions regarding not only the data   data, and having identified the relevant tools, they progress
           that they intend to monitor, but also the associated tools that   to undertake the actual collection and recording of the data.
           they use for the monitoring.
                                                              From the participants in the survey the use of fitness /
           In economic theory and social psychology, motivations are   activity trackers is observed at 18.75% for daily use, 6.25%
           typically considered to either be intrinsic or extrinsic [26].   for weekly use, 2.08% for monthly use, 10.42% for seldom
           In the case of intrinsic  motivation, the benefits of   use, and 62.5% for never used. While the use of fitness /
           undertaking an action accrue directly and immediately to   activity trackers is specifically for tracking personal health
           the individual in a form of enjoyment-based or obligation-  metrics, increasingly individuals are also making use of the
           based satisfaction. Extrinsic motivations on the other hand   smart phone apps and smart  watches for  monitoring and
           involve an indirect reward, such as money. While the terms   tracking of personal health metrics. From the survey 87.5%
           “motivation” and “incentive” are sometimes used    of the people indicated that they never used smart watches,
           interchangeably, a distinction is  sometimes  made  where   while 10.42% and 2.08% use their smart watches daily and
           motivations are considered more intrinsic while incentives   weekly respectively. The use of smart phones is  high as
           are more extrinsic to individuals [27].  There is an interplay   expected at 95.83% of individual claiming daily use, 2.08%
           between  motivations and incentives towards influencing   for seldom  use and 2.08% for having  never used a smart
           individuals decisions and actions, where phenomenon such   phone before. This captures the general use of smart phones
           a “crowding out” can occur due to extrinsic incentives   by the participants and not just specifically for self tracking
           eroding intrinsic motivations [26]. There has been research   and monitoring.
           undertaken that explores incentivizing individual’s
           participation in data related activities, such as participating   3.4. Data utility, sharing, and social sense-making
           in online surveys [28], however there is a gap in literature
           on incentives  for data contribution in the context of the   The conversion of monitored and collected individual data
           sustainable development agenda.                    into developmental action is  decomposed by  Li et al into
                                                              two distinct processes of  integration and  reflection [15].
           This research investigated the extent to  which the   Integration  primarily  consists  of  processing  and
           participants would be incentivized to record and share their   manipulating the data in order to feed into the next process
           data, both personal health data and information that they   of reflection. Reflection as a cognitive technique for
           had access to, such as water and air quality data (Figure 3).   meaning and sense making has been studied and expounded
                                                              on in various fields including education [29], psychology,
                                                              and human computer interaction [30].  In the field of
                                                              Personal Informatics, recent work has explored supporting
                                                              reflection and behavior change through sharing of personal
                                                              data [31], [32], and through social sense-making [16].

              Fig. 3. Motivations and incentives for data collection
                         and information sharing

           The motivations and incentives for recording and sharing of
           social indicators data are observed to be both intrinsic and   Fig. 4. Sharing of personal health information with
           extrinsic.  The majority of the respondents highlighted the       different stakeholders
           intrinsic socially framed  motivation of  undertaking the
           monitoring and sharing “if it’s part of a community effort”.
           The extrinsic motivations of “monetary benefit”, “cellphone   In the context of the sustainable development data
           credit” and “a chance of winning a price” are observed to   ecosystem or that of  future data-driven  societies, the
                                                              sharing of personal data needs to be considered not only
           be the least influential  for  motivating the participants
           towards monitoring and sharing of data.            within individuals’ personal social circles but also  with
                                                              other stakeholders  within the  wider data ecosystem.  As
                                                              such this research explored the participants attitudes
                                                              towards sharing of their personal data within the sustainable

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