Page 146 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 146

2017 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

                     6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

           The proposed approach SBQA-SP and its variant SBQA-
           GP along  with existing QBQA algorithms  were
           implemented and tested in typical internet environment.
           The system performance was evaluated using full reference
           video quality metrics: PSNR, SSIM, MS-SSIM and VQM.
           The numerical data representing different quality  index
           arising out of live streaming of video were analyzed offline.

           6.1. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)
           The commonly usedvideo / image quality metric PSNR is
           used here because it is fast and simple to implement.Figure      Fig. 4. The SSIM index
           3depicts the PSNR values corresponding to the SBQA-SP,
           SBQA-GP and QBQA algorithms. The  SBQA-SP          6.3.  Multi Scale Structural Similarity (MS-SSIM)
           algorithm exhibits a higher average PSNR, which is 8% and   Measurement
           5% higher than the SBQA-GP and  QBQA algorithm
           respectively. The SBQA-SP performs better compared to   A multi scale SSIM being more flexible than single scale
           other two approaches as it learns  the environment   metric provides better result with respect to correlations to
           conditions  without any pre learning phase and adapts the   human perceptions. On an  average SBQA-SP algorithm
           video quality as data arrives. Also, the exploration policy   produces 1.2% higher quality on MS-SSIM scale than
           used helps to convergence at a faster rate.
                                                              QBQA algorithm and 2.2% SBQA-GP algorithm. Figure 5
                                                              shows the  variation of MS-SSIM values on different
                                                              consecutive frames. Although the improvement in quality

                      Fig. 3. The PSNR observation

           6.2. Structural Similarity Measurement (SSIM)               Fig. 5. The Multi Scale SSIM index
           The SSIM index  was computed for the three algorithms   bySBQA-SP algorithm over other two is  marginal, it still
           (SBQA-SP, SBQA-GP and QBQA), and the proposed      leads the pack.
           SBQA-SP algorithm  exhibited a higher  value  with an
           average index of 0.9940 which is 2% higher than the   6.4. Video Quality Metric (VQM)
           QBQA algorithm 3% better than SBQA-GP. The SSIM
           index on few decoded consecutive frames at receiver   The VQM is an important metric for the evaluation of video
           corresponding to three algorithms is plotted in Figure4. The   quality because it considers the spatial-temporal aspects of
           higher SSIM index for the proposed algorithm is a reward   visual perception. Since the VQM score is the sum of many
           for the perceived  video quality as there is  need for the   weighted parameters and its higher value represents the
           perseverance of luminance and contrast factors that are   maximum loss of quality in the  video, the lower  values
           influenced by the distortions.                     observed by the SBQA-SP, SBQA-GP and QBQA
                                                              algorithms are desirable. The SBQA-SP based method
                                                              shows 15% lower than the SBVQA-GP and 23% lesser than
                                                              the QBQA algorithm. The VQM values for 20 Frames are
                                                              depicted in Figure 6.

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