Page 10 - ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services – Executive Summary
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ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services
                                                      Executive summary

               •    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s (BMGF) Level One Project Guide (L1P); 11

               •    A variety of reports developed by CGAP , GSMA , and the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) , a
                    network of financial regulatory institutions from developing countries.
               Next steps
               To build upon the momentum developed through the Focus Group, the BMGF, the CPMI, the ITU, and the
               WBG – in collaboration with other public- and private-sector stakeholders – are seeking to launch a global
               initiative on financial inclusion. This multiparty initiative expects to work with several countries to strengthen
               the enabling environment for DFS through implementation of the recommendations and principles developed
               by the ITU, CPMI, WBG, and the BMGF. 15

               We welcome your input and support as we continue our collaborative work to develop safe, enabling DFS
               ecosystems that provide valuable services to poor and underserved consumers in a commercially sustainable

               Sacha Polverini
               Chair, ITU FG-DFS

               11   Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Sept. 2015, The Level One Project Guide-Designing a New System for Financial Inclusion,
                  https:// www. betterthancash. org/ tools- research/ resources/ the- level- one- project- guide- designing- a- new- system- for- financial-
               12   CGAP, http:// www. cgap. org/ publications
               13   GSMA, http:// www. gsma. com/ mobilefordevelopment/ resources- 2? utm_ source= Nav
               14   Alliance for Financial Inclusion, http:// www. afi- global. org/ publications/
               15   See Sacha Polverini (2016), ITU to Join New Global Initiative to Expand Digital Financial Inclusion, http:// www. afi- global. org/

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